Determination Of Hematological Reference Interval For Apparently Healthy Children In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Clinical laboratory reference intervals are an important tool to identify abnormalrnlaboratory test results. The generating of hematological parameters reference intervals for localrnpopulation is very crucial to improve quality of health care, which otherwise may lead tornunnecessary expenditure or denying care for the needy. There are no well-established referencernintervals for hematological parameters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rn rnObjective: To determine for apparently healthy children hematological reference Interval forrnapparently healthy children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A community based cross-sectional study design was employed involving 272rnindividual in Addis Ababa Ethiopia from April–October 2019. Blood samples of 10 ml wasrncollected in EDTA tubes using multi sample needle. A complete blood count (CBC) wasrnperformed using Sysmex automated hematology analyzer. The data was analyzed by SPSSrnversion 26 statistical software and a non-parametric test used to generate reference intervalsrnbased on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the data based on CLSI guideline. rnResult: The reference interval of RBC count, WBC count, HB and PLT count were 4.235.59x10rn12rn/L, 2.95-10.89x10rn9rn/L, 12.02-16.04/dl and 208.90-538.9x10rn9rn/L, respectively for the agerncategory ( 5-11) while 4.43-5.85x10rn12rn/L, 3.05-9.43x10rn9rn/L,13.2-16.94g/dl, ,202.01-459.92x10rn/Lrnfor age group (12-14) respectively. Most of hematological parameters showed significantrndifferences such as RBC, HGB, HCT and MCV. No significant age-specific differences werernobserved for MCH or MCHC, WBC and Platelet parameters.rnrnConclusion: This study provided population-specific hematological reference interval forrnchildren in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian.

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Determination Of Hematological Reference Interval For Apparently Healthy Children In Addis Ababa Ethiopia