Prevalence Of Nasal Carriage And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Among Adult Hiv-infected And Hiv Uninfected Individuals At Adama Hospital Medical College Adama Ethiopia.

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Background: The control of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has becomernchallenging, particularly in immunosuppressed individuals such as HIV-infected patients.rnAlthough a global health concern, the data regarding the prevalence and antibiotic resistancernpattern of MRSA colonization among HIV- infected and HIV-negative groups is scarce inrnEthiopia. rnObjective:The main objective of this study was to investigatethe prevalence of nasal carriagernand antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of MRSA among adult HIV-infected and HIV-uninfectedrnindividuals at Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama, Ethiopia. rnMethods: The study was hospital-based case-control and involved 140 HIV-infected individualsrnand an equal number of sex- and age group- matched apparently healthy HIV-negativernindividualsfrom December, 2020 to March, 2021. Data related to demographic, household andrnclinical features was collected using a structured questionnaire and nasal swab samples wererncollected by sterile cotton swab. S. aureusisolates were confirmed by colony characteristics andrnbiochemical tests while MRSA was detected using Cefoxitin (30μg) discs by Modified KirbyBauerrndiskrndiffusionrnmethod.rnTherndatarnwereanalyzedrnusingrnSPSSrnVersion-25rnandrnthernvaluesrnwerernrnconsideredrnto be significantrnifrnp

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Prevalence Of Nasal Carriage And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Among Adult Hiv-infected And Hiv Uninfected Individuals At Adama Hospital Medical College Adama Ethiopia.