Human Papillomavirus In Women With Pre-cancerous Lesion And Cervical Cancer The Use Of Urine As An Alternative Specimen

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Background: In a country where the coverage cervical cancer screening is low optimization ofrnthe uptake is critical. The implementation of high precision test is advocated by WHO. To augmentrnthe implementation human papillomavirus (HPV) based screening in Ethiopia we compared thernperformance urine HPV DNA test with cervical swab. rnMethods: Paired samples (n=103) of first void urine and cervical swab were collected fromrnpatients Gynecology Clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH). After extraction ofrnDNA using QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) the HPV infection, coinfection and type-specificrnHPV distribution was determined using the Anyplex HPV28 DNA genotyping kit (Seegene, Seoul,rnKorea) and CFX96 IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic) Real-Time PCR System. The kit simultaneouslyrndetects, differentiate, and semi-quantify 28 HPV genotypes 19 high risk (Hr)-HPV types; HPVsrn16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 73 and 82 and 9 LR-HPV types;rnHPVs 6, 11, 40 ,42, 43, 44, 54, 61 and 70. Additionally, blood sample was collected to detectrnHPV16 L1 anti-capsid antibody using Prevo-check ® (Abvirus Germany GmbH). It isrnimmunologic rapid test that directs against a protein that is produced by HPV 16 infected cellsrnwhich interferes with cell division. Pap smear was done by a pathologist and histology results wasrncollected from the chart of the patients and a clinical form was used to collect basic informationrnfrom the patients by the attending midwife nurses. rnResult: Of the 103 paired samples, HPV infection prevalence was 83.5% in cervical and 77.7% inrnurine samples. HPV 16 is the most prevalent in both samples with 56.8% in cervical swab andrn54.6% in urine sample followed by HPV 18 (5.8%) in cervical swab and HPV 18 and HPV 39rn(6.2%) in urine samples. Multiple infection rate (infection more than one type of HPV) was 22.4%rnin urine samples and 32.0% in cervical swab. The agreement in the detection of HR-HPV betweenrnurine and cervical samples was moderate with a kappa value of 0.57 at 95% CI. Using the cervicalrnHPV results as a reference, the anaylitical sensitivity of urine HPV testing was 88.4% (76/86) andrnspecificity of 76.5% (13/17) and ROC area of 0.82 with (0.7-0.9) 95% CI. The Prevo-check HPV16rnL1 antibody test has detected antibody from seven patients have a low clinical sensitivity butrnspecificity of 100%. Of 93 histology result; 69.9% of the participants were diagnosed with SCC.rnHR-HPV detected in 76.2% and 79.7% from cervical and urine samples. rnConclusion: In a country with low cervical cancer screening uptake collection of urine specimenrncan be considered as an alternative sample since the sample is easy to obtain, showed goodrndiagnostic performance and may increases uptake of cervical cancer screening in Ethiopia. HPV16rnand 18 were the predominant HPV detected from women with CIN2+ and above patients.

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Human Papillomavirus In Women With Pre-cancerous Lesion And Cervical Cancer The Use Of Urine As An Alternative Specimen