Assessment Of Hematological Profile Among Adult Clients Visiting For Wellness Service At International Clinical Laboratories Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Hematological profiles are affected by commonly known pathological factors.rnHowever, nutritional, behavioral and life style factors may vary those parameters amongrnapparently healthy individuals. Little is known about hematological profile of apparently healthyrnindividuals seeking wellness service in resource limited settings like Ethiopia. Objective: To assess the hematological profile of individuals visiting International ClinicalrnLaboratory (ICL) Wellness service in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia rnMethods: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to April 2020rnamong 422 apparently healthy study participants. Demographic data were collected usingrnstructured questionnaire. Blood samples collected in EDTA tubes were analyzed using Cell-DynrnRuby 5-Diff hematology analyzer. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20.rnResults were compared between categorical variables (age and sex) using parametric testsrn(Independent t test and ANOVA) for continuous variables. Chi-square and binary logisticrnregression were used to see the relation between independent variables and hematologicalrnabnormalities. P-value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.rnResult: A total of 422 apparently healthy clients (226 males, 53.6%) were included. Their agernranged from 18 – 87 years, with a median (IQR) age of 43 (35-54) years. The mean+SD ofrnWBC, RBC and PLT counts among males were 5.87+1.73, 5.65+0.62 and 250.38±71.58; whilernthe counts among females were 5.95±1.99, 5.09±0.49 and 276.89±74.13, respectivelyrnHematological parameters RBC (p

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Assessment Of Hematological Profile Among Adult Clients Visiting For Wellness Service At International Clinical Laboratories Addis Ababa Ethiopia