Combined Use Of Cytopathological Diagnosis With Molecular Tests Performed On Concentrated Fine Needle Aspirate Samples To Improve The Lab Diagnosis For Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Suspected Patients

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Background: Tuberculosis lymphadenitis (TBLN) is a granulomatous infection of lymph nodes rnand the most frequent form of extra pulmonary Tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Issues arising in therncytopathological diagnosis of TBLN suspected patients include the inconclusive result and lackrnof easily accessible diagnostic tests. In both instances, considerable consequences are observedrnconcerning clinical management, economical perspective, and time. The fate of TBLN suspectedrnpatients with an inconclusive cytopathological result will be either taking other antibiotics or bernon anti-TB treatment empirically. Though both approaches are targeted towards the benefit of thernpatient, they may either lead to inappropriate treatment outcome or cause the patient to sufferrnmore from the disease. This is mainly resulted in due to lack of concrete affirmative laboratoryrndiagnostic tools that support the cytopathological diagnostic method. rnObjective: To investigate the combined use of cytopathological diagnosis with molecular testsrnperformed on concentrated FNA sample in the detection of TBLN cases. rnMethods: A cross sectional study was conducted at ALERT Hospital and the Lab work wasrnperformed at AHRI, Addis Ababa from Sept 2020 – April 2021. Using consecutive samplingrntechnique, 96 participants suspected of having TBLN were enrolled in this study. The sensitivity,rnspecificity, positive and negative predictive values including their 95% confidence intervals (CI)rnwas calculated by using the culture results as the "gold standard". Cohen’s Kappa value was usedrnto measure interrater variability and level of agreement. All statistical tests were consideredrnsignificant when having a two-sided P-value of

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Combined Use Of Cytopathological Diagnosis With Molecular Tests Performed On  Concentrated Fine Needle Aspirate Samples To Improve The Lab Diagnosis For Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Suspected Patients