Assessment Of Malnutrition And Inflammatory Status In Cervical Cancer Patients Attending Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

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Background: Globally cervical Cancer is the fourth common cancer accounting for 6.6%rnof all female cancers. Oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) specifically types 16 andrn18 is the most important risk factor associated with cervical cancer. Studies havernindicated that approximately 88.33% of gynecological cancer patients experiencernmalnutrition; and Inflammation that play a pivotal role in the progression of cervicalrncancer. Various nutritional and inflammatory parameters such as serum Total Protein,rnAlbumin, Ferritin and Hematological parameters; Hemoglobin, LMR NLR, RDW andrnPLR used as Prognostic Biomarker of cancer associated with inflammation andrnmalnutrition in cervical cancer patient.rnObjective: The aim of the present study was Assessment of Malnutrition andrnInflammatory Status in Cervical Cancer Patients attending Tikur Anbessa SpecializedrnHospital.rnMethodology: Hospital based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 50rncervical cancer patients and 50 healthy individuals. Socio demographic data wererncollected by using standardized questionnaire. Anthropometric data and Blood collectionrnwas done through standardized techniques and Automated COBAS 6000 and SysmexrnKX-21N hematology analyzers were used to analyze the samples. Statistical data analysisrnwas held by SPSS version 25. Student’s t-test was used to compare the mean value ofrncontinuous variables of two groups, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used torncompare the relationship of categorical variables between deferent stages of the cancer.rnOther associations were performed with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. A P-value ofrn

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Assessment Of Malnutrition And Inflammatory Status In Cervical Cancer Patients Attending Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.