Assessment Of Immunohematological Outcome Among Adult Hiv Patients Taking Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy For At Least Six Months In Yabelo Hospital South East Ethiopia.

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Background: Immunohematological parameters are key tools for evaluating antiretroviralrntreatment and prognosis during follow up in Human immunodeficiency virus infectedrnpatients. Clinical response to highly active antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settingsrnis monitored with CD4 + T cell counts and some hematologic indices. Comparing baselinernimmunohematological parameters of infected patients with their change after they takerntreatment for at least six months is very useful in evaluating treatment success.rnObjective: To assess changes in immunological and haematological parameters in HIVrninfected patients on HAART for at least Six months at the antiretroviral therapy clinic ofrnYabelo Hospital, Borena, Ethiopia.rnMethods: A cross sectional study was conducted from February to July 2021 usingrnconvenient sampling method to recruit 333 HIV infected adults who were on follow-up for atrnleast six months at the ART clinic of Yabelo hospital. Socio-demographic and clinicalrncharacteristics data were collected using pre-tested structured questionnaire. Venous bloodrnsamples were collected and processed following standard procedures for determining CD4+rnT cell count and complete blood count using FACSPresto and Sysmex XE 2100 automatedrnhaematology analyser, respectively. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.rnBivariate and multivariable analyses were conducted to identify factors significantlyrnassociated with the outcome variable. P –value < 0.05 was considered as significant. rnResult:- The prevalence of anemia(47.4%),leucopenia(73.3%),neutropenia(58.3%),rnlymphopenia (76.9% ) and thrombocytopenia(3.3% ) before starting of highly activernantiretroviral therapy was declined to 23.1%, 36.4%, 23.4%, 35.7% and 2.4% after initiationrnof highly active antiretroviral therapy, respectively; there was also significant decrease in thernrate of Immunosuppression (62.2% to 20.7%). Except MCHC, there was a significantrnimprovement in the common hematological parameters after use of highly activernantiretroviral therapy for at least six month.Treatment interruption, presence of extrarnpulmonary TB ,sex and BMI were factors associated with anemia after ininitation of highlyrnactive antiretroviral therapy.rnConclusion: Immunohematological profile of the patients has improved after initiation ofrnhighly active antiretroviral therapy. Treatment interruption, presence of extra pulmonary TB,rnfemale sex and Body mass index are factors associated with anemia. Early initiation of highlyrnactive antiretroviral therapy is helpful in decreasing hematological abnormalities in HIVrninfected patients.

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Assessment Of Immunohematological Outcome Among Adult Hiv Patients Taking Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy For At Least Six Months In Yabelo Hospital South East Ethiopia.