Experience Attitude And Perceived Awareness Regarding Adolescent Depression Among Secondary School Teachers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Qualitative Study.

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Background: Multiple studies show the increase in adolescent depression and the impactsrnrelated to it. Teachers are considered a front liner in reaching the students with any issues firstrnhand. Understanding secondary school teacher's attitudes and experiences regarding this was anrninteresting area of study.rnAim: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences, attitudes, and perceived awareness ofrnsecondary school teachers regarding adolescent depression.rnMethods: The study setting was in 6 different governmental and non-governmental schools inrnAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study design was a qualitative study using in-depth interviews.rnRespondents were selected purposively, based on year of experience and willingness to conductrnthe interview in the Amharic language. Interviews were audio-recorded. rnFindings: Interviewed participants were eleven. Emerged themes are categorized under fiverncategories those categories are understanding of adolescent depression, Awareness of teachersrnabout adolescent depression, the perceived need of adolescents with depression, and the role ofrnteachers in supporting adolescents with depression. The study finds there is a differentrnunderstanding of depression in terms of the cause and symptom. The awareness teachers have isrnlimited but as they reported they have encounters with depressed adolescents. The role they takernis high starting from approaching the student to help them to link students to school counselingrnand hospitals.rnConclusion: School-based training for teachers about adolescent depression and creatingrnawareness regarding options of treatments and how to handle adolescents within the schoolrnshould be considered.

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Experience Attitude And Perceived Awareness Regarding Adolescent Depression Among Secondary School Teachers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Qualitative Study.