Cross Sectional Comparative Study Of Hematological Parameters In People Withatherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease And Those With Cardivascular Risk Alone.

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Background rnCardiovascular disease (CVD) is the foremost killing disease worldwide and ASCVD is onernof the prominent types of CVD which is mainly associated with a condition calledrnatherosclerosis. Various risk factors are associated with its incidence. These arernhypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, smoking, genetic factors etc. Presence of ASCVD asrnwell as its risk factors results in disturbance of various physiological and biological functionrnof the body. Haematological parameters for instance tend to be disturbed in the presence ofrnabnormal physiological and biological function.rnAim: Therefore, in this prospective cross sectional comparative study we have assessed andrncompared the pattern of haematological parameters in peoples having establishedrnatherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASVD) vs. peoples having ASCVD risks alone whornattended TASH Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and also correlated haematological parameters withrnthe novel inflammatory marker hsCRP. rnMethod: -Blood samples were collected from study participants and serum was extractedrnfor the lipid and hsCRP analysis and the remaining whole blood is used for haematologicalrnparameters determination using SYSMEX machine while Roche/Hitachi Cobas 6000rnanalyser that uses immunoturbidimetric assay was used to determine hsCRP whereas lipidrnprofile was first determined by spectrophotometric analysis and then repeated by usingrnRoche/Hitachi Cobas 6000 analyser.rnThe total number of participant was100 (50 in each group).rnResult: -White blood cells (WBC), mean cell volume (MCV), red cell distribution widthrn(RDW) and monocyte (MONO) are significantly higher in pre-existing ASCVD and alsornhave significant association with the presence of ASCVD. Mean platelet volume (MPV)rnsignificantly higher in ASCVD risked group and associated with the presence of the risk.rnAdditionally, in correlation analysis of highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) withrnhematological parameter hsCRPs show significant correlation with MPV. It is higher andrnsignificantly associated with the presence of risk factors as well. rnConclusion: -Using this affordable, routinely tested and easily available tests may help torninfer future ASCVD risk as well as the presence of ASCVD morbidity while hsCRP level inrncomparison group vs. cases require further study.

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Cross Sectional Comparative Study Of Hematological Parameters In People Withatherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease And Those With Cardivascular Risk Alone.