Molecular Identification And Characterization Of Pathogenic Leptospira From Asymptomatic Humans Livestock And Water Sources In Peri-urban Areas Of Addis Ababa A One Health Concept

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Background rnLeptospirosis is a neglected zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes, pathogenic Leptospira. Itrncan give a severe disease in humans. Many domestic animals can carry pathogenic Leptospirarnand Leptospira can survive in environmental water sources. There are barely studies done torninvestigate the presence of Leptospira in humans, animals or water sources in Ethiopia. rn rnObjectivesrnIdentification of the presence of pathogenic Leptospira in asymptomatic humans, livestock andrnenvironmental water sources and assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice concerningrnleptospirosis among households in peri-urban areas of Addis Ababa. rnrnMethodologyrnUrine was collected from asymptomatic humans and livestock in peri-urban areas of AddisrnAbaba. Water samples were taken from the same areas. After DNA-extraction, real-time PCRrnand melting curve analysis were performed. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) wasrnassessed with help of a questionnaire. rnrnResultsrnIn total, 105 human urine samples, 194 animal urine samples and 32 water samples wererncollected from 85 households. Pathogenic Leptospira were found in 3 of the 194 animal urinernsamples (1.5%), characterized as Leptospira borgpetersenii and detected in urine of cattle. Nornpathogenic Leptospira were found in the human urine samples and in the water samples.rnMajority (97.6%) of the respondents had never heard about leptospirosis, but knew that water,rnanimals’ urine and rat urine could contain pathogens. Multiple risk factors for the presence ofrnLeptospira were found in the studied households: walking through wet areas without adequaternprotection (48.2%), rats in (66.3%) or around (63.8%) the house and garbage stored inside therncompound (56.1%). No significant relationship was found between risk factors and the positivernLeptospira samples in this study. rnrnConclusionrnThis study has shown that pathogenic Leptospira are present in peri-urban areas of AddisrnAbaba. Risk factors for the presence of pathogenic Leptospira and other zoonoses werernwidespread in the study area. These findings highlight the need to create awareness amongrnlivestock-keeping households concerning leptospirosis using a “One Health” concept.

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Molecular Identification And Characterization Of Pathogenic Leptospira From Asymptomatic Humans Livestock And Water  Sources In Peri-urban Areas Of Addis Ababa  A One Health Concept