Identifications Of Intestinal Parasites Salmonella And Shigella Species And Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Fruit Juice Makers In Selected Sub Cities Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Unpasteurized fruit juices known to cause food poisoning from harmful germsrnsuch as Salmonella, Shigella and gastrointestinal parasites. Fruits are susceptible to differentrnmicrobes if didn’t prepared practice good hygiene in overall process. Due to that Food bornerndiseases are the main public health concerns in the world, especially in developing countries. rnObjective: To identify Intestinal Parasites, Salmonella and Shigella species from consumed localrnfruit juices sample and juice makers and assessing their Knowledge, Attitude and Practice ofrnfruit juice makers. rnMethods: A Cross-Sectional study was conducted at selected sub cities of Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia. Knowledge, Attitude, Practice assessment questionnaire was taken to evaluate thernfactors to microbial quality and safety of local fruit juices. Different varieties of fruit juices andrnstool samples from juice makers was collected and examined for microbiological tests fromrnFebruary 2021 to June 2021.Juice samples were pre-enriched in Buffer Phosphate Waterrnfollowed by selecting enrichment for isolation, culture, biochemical tests, Becton Dickinsonrnphoenix analyzers, serotyping were used for confirmation of those pathogens. Antimicrobialrnsusceptibility tests were also carried out using 10 antibiotic discs on each isolate by using KirbyBauerrndiscrndiffusionrnmethod.rnTherndatarnwasrnenteredrnintornEpi infornversionrn3.5.4 andrnanalyzedrnusingrnrnSPSSrnversionrn23. A p valuern≤ 0.05 atrn95% CIrnwasrnconsideredrnasrnstatisticallyrnsignificant.rnrnrnResults: A Total of 100 fruit juice sample, 100 fruit juice makers fecal samples, 120 KAPrnassessments were enrolled in the study. The majority study participants were female 108(90%).rnAbout 27 (27%) and 17(17%) of juice makers and fruit juice samples were positive for differentrnintestinal parasites with the most abundant parasite of A. lumbricoides 7(7%) and E.histolyticarn5(5%) from juice samples and juice makers respectively. Stool and juice cultures revealed 6%rnand 5% of Salmonella isolates. While Shigella species was not isolated from both sample types.rnThe participants level of knowledge and attitude score were 95.8% and 63.1% and the practice rnlevel score were 39.5%. S.Dublin were the only serotype found in both fruit juices and stoolrnspecimen. All isolates of Salmonella were sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol,rnSulfamethoxazole trimethoprim, Nalidixic acid, Ceftriaxone and only Gentamycin andrnTetracycline shows the highest intermediate. But resistant to Erythromycin, Ampicillin,rnAmoxicillin Clavunilic acid. rnConclusion: The results clearly illustrated the fresh juices preparations didn’t meet public healthrnstandards. They know their work but poor practice indicated. Such foods are responsible torncauses food borne diseases specially carrier to many kinds of intestinal parasites andrnenteropathogenic bacterias. Therefore, policy makers and implementers must adopt strictrnmeasures and supervision to the vendors about food safety and hygienic practices to update thernguidelines and standards for fruit products preparations. Certain antibiotics for Salmonella fromrnfecal and non-fecal source gives exceptional result for further study since multiple drugrnresistance of many antibiotics still differentiated that affect drug viability to Salmonella species.

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Identifications Of Intestinal Parasites Salmonella And Shigella Species And Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Fruit Juice Makers In Selected Sub Cities  Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.