Bacterial And Fungal Infection And Their Drug Susceptibility Pattern In Burn Patients Admitted To Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College And Aabet Hospitals

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Background: Managing the burn wound is necessary to heal the wound early but the infectedrnone not only needs appropriate management of burn therapy, in addition to that, doing culture forrnthe potential bacteria and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern necessary. Furthermore Largernwound surface, impaired immune systems, and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy contribute tornthe growth of opportunistic fungal species. Mycosis in burns is likely to be underestimated. rnObjectives: To determine the magnitude of bacterial and fungal infections and theirrnantimicrobial susceptibility pattern of burn patients at Yekatit12 and AABET Hospital, AddisrnAbaba, 2021.rnMethods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Y12HMC and AABET hospital fromrnJanuary to June 2021. Burn Wound swab specimen was collected using sterile cotton swab andrnprocessed and analyzed for bacteriological and fungal culture medias like Potato dexterous agar,rnChrome agar, Blood agar, MacConkey agar, Biochemical test and AST. The data was analyzedrnusing SPSS version 25. rnResults: 240 burn patients were included in the study a total of 154(64.2%) bacterial pathogensrnwere recovered. Among the isolated 154 (64.2%) bacteria 110 (71.4 %) were gram-positive andrn44 (28.5 %) gram-negative bacteria. From gram-positive bacteria, predominant bacteria isolatesrnwere CoNs 55 (22.9 %), followed by S.aureus 54 (22.5%) while gram Negative bacteria isolatedrnthe most predominant bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa 17(7.1%)from 66 (27.5%).rnFungus isolation 38 (57.5%) were yeast and 28 (42.2 %) mold .The susceptibility patterns ofrnisolates 60% of resistance to the antibiotics tested. Klebsiella species demonstrated high level ofrnresistance to Ampicilin and ceftazidime each 5(100%), Tobramycin, ciprofloxacin andrngentamicin each 3(60%). Amikacin was relatively effective against 23(95.8%) of the Klebsiellarnspecies. rnCONCULUSION: The wounds were contaminated with various types of bacteria. This might berna reflection of inappropriate use of antibiotics. The presence of MDR in the wound may be arnfactor for persisted infection. Some of the participants in the study area had a positive fungalrnresult. It is not contemptible it an alarming finding that needs more focus and follow-up on thernfungal infection.

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Bacterial And Fungal Infection And Their Drug Susceptibility Pattern In Burn   Patients Admitted To Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College And Aabet Hospitals