Prevalence Of Asymptomatic And Symptomatic Malaria And Its Associated Factors In East Badewacho District Hadiya Zone South Ethiopia A Community-based Cross-sectional Study

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Background: Malaria has been one of the major public health problems that result in illnessrnand death despite appropriate intervention measures being taken. Malaria can be eitherrnasymptomatic or symptomatic. There is only limited evidence that shows the burden ofrnasymptomatic and symptomatic malaria prevalence and associated factors in many endemicrnareas so, identification of such infections is very important to control malaria. rnObjective: To assess asymptomatic and symptomatic malaria prevalence and associated riskrnfactors in East Badewacho District, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia. rnMethod: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted between April-June 2020rnamong 484 residents of East Badewacho District using a multi-stage sampling technique.rnMalaria testing was done using microscopy, Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and Polymerase ChainrnReaction. The data was collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Data entry andrnanalysis were done using Epi data 7 and SPSS version 23, respectively. rnResults: A total of 484 individuals (415 asymptomatic and 69 symptomatic) were included inrnthe study. From 415 asymptomatic participants, 44 (10.6%, 95% CI=7.7-13.5) and 45rn(11.1%, 95% CI= 8.2-14) were positive for malaria infection by light microscopy and RDT,rnrespectively. Similarly, from 69 symptomatic individuals 22 (31.9%, 95% CI=21.7-43.5) andrn23(33.3%, 95% CI=23.3-44.9) were malaria positive by light microscopy and RDT, rnrespectively. The overall prevalence of malaria was 66 (13.6%, 95% CI=10.7-16.7) by lightrnmicroscopy. PCR was done for all microscopy positive P.falciparum cases (n=36) and 50%rn11(n=224) negative cases, PCR confirmed P.falciparum DNA among 86% (31/36) positiverncases and 6.7% (15/224) of negative cases. Utilization of ITN occasionally [AOR=6.2 (95%rnCI=1.2-31.2),] not using ITN [AOR=47.4 (95% CI=10.9-206)], residing nearer to stagnantrnwater [AOR=29.29 (95% CI=16.1-52.5)],

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Prevalence Of Asymptomatic And Symptomatic Malaria And Its Associated Factors In East Badewacho District Hadiya Zone South Ethiopia  A Community-based Cross-sectional Study