Bacterial Profile Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern And Outcome Of Blood Stream Infection Among Febrile Patients At Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Abstract:rnBackground: Throughout the world infectious disease like bloodstream infection become arnmajor cause of morbidity and mortality. The excessive and irrational use of antibiotics has led tornan increase in the multidrug-resistant and thus worsened the condition.rnObjective: To determine Bacterial profile, antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of blood streamrnisolates, and mortality of febrile patients admitted at Zewditu Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa,rnEthiopiarnMethods: A cross-sectional and prospective observational study was performed in 198 febrilernpatients at Zewditu Memorial hospital from May to Dec, 2019. Demographic and clinical datarnwere collected by interviewing patients, reviewing medical records and outcome was followedrnuntil their discharge or death. Venous blood was collected aseptically into TSB, incubated at 35rn+2°C and checked for sign of bacterial growth. Bottles which showed signs of growth werernfurther sub-culturedon chocolate agar, blood agar,macconkey agar. Bacterial isolates werernidentified by colony morphology, gram staining reaction, and biochemical. Kirby Bauer discrndiffusion technique was used to test Antibiotic susceptibility. Multiple Logistic regressionrnanalysis was used to see the association between variablesusing SPSS software version 20.rnResults: A total of 198 blood cultureswere performed fromfebrile inpatients of ZMH of thosern93(47%) were females and 105(53%) were males with the age range of 1 day to 8 years. Fromrnthe total 43(21.7%) showed bacterial growth. The gram positive and negative bacteria accountedrnfor 69.7% (30/43) and 30.3 %( 13/43)respectively. The commonest gram positive organismsrnwere S.aureus 20 (66.66%).Among gram negative isolates the most predominate organisms werernK.pneumonia 6(46.1%). For gram positive bacteria Penicillin and Trimethoprimsulphamethoxazolernrnshowed highest resistance andComplete Sensitivity were seen forrnVancomycin in all the isolate.Relatively 80(%) of gram negative isolates expressed susceptibilityrntowards Amikacin andhighest resistancewere seen in Trimethoprim- sulphamethoxazole.rnMortality among patients with positive culture was 51.1% (22/43), which was higher thanrnmortality recorded for patients with negative blood culture 14.8% (23/155).rnConclusion: In this study high prevalence of septicemia and greater resistances of antibioticrnwhich increase the mortality risk three fold was found in the hospital settings. Therefore specialrnattention has to be given to infection prevention control and antibiotic prescription policy

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Bacterial Profile Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern And Outcome Of Blood Stream Infection Among Febrile Patients At Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia