Iso 15189 Laboratory Accreditation Utilization Rate And Challenges Among Accredited Laboratories In Ethiopia 2021

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Background: Accreditation is a procedure by which a third party gives witness for a conformityrnassessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific tasks. Itrnis very important for the maintenance of quality; and most accredited laboratories have to bernutilizing their quality performance throughout accreditation cycle as long as they are in thernservice. In this regard, there is limited documented evidence in Ethiopia. Thus, this study aimedrnto assess the ISO 15189 laboratory accreditation utilization rate and to identify hindering factorsrnamong accredited laboratories in Ethiopia, 2021. rnrnMethods: A cross sectional study design was employed in 46 government and private accreditedrnhealth facility laboratories from January 2021 to June 2021 in Ethiopia by comprising rnquantitative and qualitative data types. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20rnsoftware. P-value

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Iso 15189 Laboratory Accreditation Utilization Rate And Challenges Among Accredited Laboratories In Ethiopia 2021