Evaluation Of Diagnostic Accuracy Of One Step Malaria (pfpv) Triple Line And One Step (pf) Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test In Reference To Real-time Pcr

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Background: Malaria control and elimination strategies rely on diagnostic testing and treatment.rnWHO recommends confirming all suspected malaria cases using either RDTs or light microscopyrnbefore initiating any treatment. Having malaria RDTs that are affordable, easy to administer, andrndetect multiple species is key in the control and prevention of malaria in Africa. rnObjective:-To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of one step malaria (P. f/ P. v) Triple line and onernstep malaria (P. f) rapid diagnostic tests with reference to quantitative polymerase chain reactionrn(qPCR). rnMethod: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted at Metehara sugar factory hospital andrnMetehara health center from November 2020 to January 2021. Three ml of venous blood wererncollected from all eligible participants. Five microliter of whole blood was used for testing of eachrnRDTs. Thick and thin blood films were prepared from each blood sample. Thin film was fixed andrnstained with 3% Giemsa and examined at EPHI malaria laboratory by expert microscopist. Thernremaining whole blood was transported to EPHI malaria laboratory for later qPCR test. Therndiagnostic accuracy parameters such as sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were determined inrnreference with qPCR. rnResult: From a total of 309 study subjects 40.13% were female and the mean age was 27.2(±12.3SD).rnThe sensitivity of one step Pf malaria RDT was 88% and specificity 100% with 100% PPV and 88.3%rnNPV and had kappa value 0.2893. The diagnostic accuracy of one step Pf/Pv triple line malaria RDTrnwere 93.3% sensitivity and 99% specificity, 99.5% PPV and 87.6% NPV with 0.8923 kappa value. rnConclusion and recommendation: - One Step Malaria (P. f/ P. v) Triple line and One Step Malariarn(P. f) rapid diagnostic tests for P. falciparum species showed a lower sensitivity. Further study needrnto rule out the prone effect and prevalence of pfhrp2/3 gene deletion for P. falciparum population.

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Evaluation Of Diagnostic Accuracy Of One Step Malaria (pfpv) Triple Line And One Step (pf) Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test In Reference To Real-time Pcr