Psychological Distress And Means Of Resilience Of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patents At Eka Kotebe General Hospital Covid-19 Treatment Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background:- The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) has caused serious threatsrnto people‟s healt h, social and psychological wellbeing, in world. Such outbreaks of infect iousrndisease have significant potential for psychological reactions, and typically result in widespreadrnfear; anxiety and a variety of psychological problems. Hence, the purpose of this study will be tornunderstand psychological distress and means of resilience among hospitalized patients withrnCOVID-19. rnObjectives:- To understand psychological distress and means of resilience among COVID-19rnpatents admitted in Eka Kotebe General Hospital COVID-19 treatment center, Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia. 2021 rnMethods:-A phenomenological qualitative study design was used. Participants were recruitedrnusing a non-probabilistic heterogeneous purposive technique from Eka Kotebe General HospitalrnCOVID-19 treatment center. Participants were those who were confirmed to have covid-19 andrnwere severely ill and recovering from COVID-19. Sampling proceeded until theoreticalrnsaturation was achieved. Nine in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted and all werernincluded in the results. The in-depth interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and translatedrninto English. Colaizzi‟s 7-step method is used for analysis. rnResults:-The data was grouped into four themes: patients' general reactions to receiving arnpositive test result, patients' psychological experiences of hospitalization, treatment experiences,rnand strategies for coping with psychological obstacles. The initial reaction to knowing the covid19rntestrnresultsrnwasrnshockrnandrnworry,rnwhichrndissolvedrnintornrnfear of death during the early stage ofrnhospitalization. Having nothing to do at the hospital, financial and family concerns, the sickness,rnisolation for treatment, and the treatment were reasons for experiencing despair, worry, anxiety,rnand loneliness during hospitalization. Spirituality, positive thinking, health care providers, andrnsocial support were all employed by the participants as means of resilience. Praying, imaginingrnthe worst-case scenario and being grateful for their circumstances, believing in medicalrntreatment, and engaging in a group or couple chat, calling close friends and discussing feelingsrnwere participants‟ ways of coping. rnConclusion:-Patients with COVID-19 were experienced psychological distress. Primarily, theyrnwere concerned about their health because they had concomitant disease and were severely ill. Inrnaddition to their illness having nothing to do at the hospital, financial and family concerns, rnisolation for treatment, and the treatment were factors contribute to their psychological distress.rnAlthough they did not alleviate their negative emotion, they used a variety of coping strategies.

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Psychological Distress And Means Of Resilience Of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patents At Eka Kotebe  General Hospital Covid-19 Treatment Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.