Magnitude Of Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C Virus And Hiv Among Febrile Patients Attending Health Institute At Aura District Afar Region Ethiopia

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Background: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV are among the major public health concernsrnglobally and are highly infectious diseases. During the first six months, most of the infectionsrnwith viral hepatitis are often asymptomatic; therefore, detection of the virus at the early stagernis difficult. The burden of viral hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections and co-infection withrnHIV still underreported in Ethiopia due to the lack of a coordinated health system and datarnmanagement inability at the central level. In spite of increasing studies on viral hepatitis andrntheir co-morbidity at different parts of the country, few data exists in Awra and Gulinarndistrict of Afar region.rnObjective: To assess the burden of hepatitis B & C viruses and HIV among patientsrnattending health facilities and association of viruses with socio-demographic factors and eachrnother virus.rnMethod: A cross-sectional study was performed among 400 sera that were collected fromrnKelewani primary hospital and Derayitu health centre of Awra and Gulina district of AfarrnRegion, north-eastern part of Ethiopia from February to May 2019. A pilot study werernperformed to assess the positive rate of both HCV, HBV and HIV to proceed with thernresearch and continuous monitoring of the refrigerator was checked during the last couple ofrnmonths to assure sample storage and stability before analysis. The two hepatitis viruses werernscreened by Anti-HCV and HBsAg rapid test kits, the seropositive sera were subjected tornELISA. HIV was screened sequentially by following HIV rapid test algorithm of Ethiopia;rnpositive sera were confirmed by ELISA. Data were entered, coded and analyzed using SPSSrnstatistical software version 25. A p-value < than 0.05 was considered statistically significant,rnResult: A total of 400 sera (59.8% of female) of age ranging from 4-80 years (mean= 25.9,rnSD = ±11.6) were used for this study. Of all samples 13% (52/400), were sero-positive forrnone or two viruses, specifically 9.8 %( 39/400), 1% (4/400) and 2.3% (9/400) for HBV, HCVrnand HIV respectively. 0.5% (2/400) was corresponded to the co-infections of HCV-HBV andrnHBV-HIV. The rates of positivity among both sexes were relatively similar; from the grouprnin female participant sera, 61.5% (24/39), 50% (2/4) and 55.6% (5/9) were accounted byrnHBV, HCV and HIV respectively. HIV was more common in age category of 30 years andrnabove (COR=7.536, 95% CI=1.543-36.803, p-value = 0.013).rnConclusion: The burden of HBV and HIV at this study area were found high among febrilernpatients. Similarly, HIV was significantly distributed among elderly febrile patients that mayrnbe an indication for these contagious viruses to be circulated in the community.

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Magnitude Of Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C Virus And Hiv Among Febrile Patients Attending Health Institute At Aura District Afar Region Ethiopia