Prevalence And Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Enteropathogen Among Under-five Children With Diarrhea In Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical Collegeaddis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Globally, diarrheal disease is a common condition associated with highrnmorbidity and mortality in under 5 children. Every day, it is estimated that more than 4000 rnchildren lose their lives due to diarrhea. Despite its significant public health concern, littlernis known about prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of enteropathogen inrnmany countries, including Ethiopia. rnObjectives: To determine Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns ofrnEnteropathogen among under-five children with diarrhea in Yekatit 12 Hospital MedicalrnCollege, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia rnMethods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study design was employed from October tornmarch 2021 among 411 conveniently selected diarrheic patient in Yekatit 12 hospitalrnAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. Data were collected by using Structured questionary. Stoolrnsamples was examined for parasites and enteric bacteria. Each bacteria then identifiedrnusing colony morphology and standard biochemical tests. Anti-microbial susceptibilityrntesting was performed by using disc diffusion techniques on Muller Hinton Agar. Therncollected data were analyzed using SPSS version 25 software package. To identify factorsrnassociated with enteropathogen, Chi-square (χ2) test was applied statistical significancernwas considered at level of significance of 5%. rnResult: Among 411 examined stool samples, in more than a quarter (106(25.8%)) of thernsamples enteropathogen was detected. Of those majority (90(84.9%)) were intestinalrnparasites the rest (16(15.1%)) were positive for bacteria. Entamoeba histolytica andrnsalmonella were the predominant enteropathogen which accounts for (51(12.4.7%)) andrn(10(2.4%)) respectively. unprotected drinking water source(P=0.002), poor hand washingrnpractice of care giver (P=0.020) and poor Cleaning of utensil for child feeding(P=0.025)rnwere statistically significant for the presence of enteropathogen in stool. Among patientsrnwho had Salmonella and shigella infections almost all were resistant for ampicillin andrnamoxicillin. But all the identified Salmonella and shigella isolates were sensitive tornCiprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone. rnConclusion and Recommendation: The finding of this study indicates that Entamoebarnhistolytica and salmonella species were the predominant etiologies and the presence ofrnbacterial isolates resistant to the commonly prescribed drugs for treating diarrhea inrnchildren Therefore, carry on identified associated factors and regular drug susceptibilityrntest is essential to reduce the problem.

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Prevalence And Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Enteropathogen Among Under-five Children With Diarrhea In Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical Collegeaddis Ababa Ethiopia