Therapeutic Benefits Of Vitamin A For Type 1 Diabetics A Case Of Gondar University Hospital Diabetic Center

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The incidence of diabetes mellitus has soared to epidemic proportions worldwide. Therndebilitating chronic hyperglycemia is caused by either lack of insulin as in diabetes type 1 or itsrnineffectiveness as in diabetes type 2. Frequent replacement of insulin with or without insulinrnanalogs for optimum glycemic control is the conventional cumbersome therapy. The quest to findrna cure for diabetes has led scientists to think new therapeutic strategies like re-educating thernimmune system, β-cell transplantation and rejuvenating β-cells of the pancreas in an attempt tornrestore β-cell function and resume physiologic glucose homeostasis. rnThere are in vitro and animal studies suggesting that Retinoic acid (Vitamin A) inducesrndifferentiation of pancreatic ductal epithelial cells to insulin secreting cells and also plays anrnimmunomodulatory role in the progression of the autoimmune process in Type 1 diabetes.rnMoreover, majority of diabetic patients have Vitamin A deficiency. However, there wasrninadequate information regarding in vivo effects of retinoic acid in diabetic patients and hencernthe need for this study. rnThis study was an interventional study on 24 Type 1 Diabetic patients attending the chronicrnillness clinic at Gondar University Hospital. The patients were randomly divided in to tworngroups; treatment and control. The treatment group received vitamin A supplementation inrnaddition to the conventional insulin therapy where as the control group continued with theirrnconventional insulin therapy alone. Both groups were followed for 6 weeks and treatment effectrncompared across them in terms of glycemic control, C-peptide levels and lipid profile over therntreatment period and both groups were comparable with regard to Age, sex, BMI, duration ofrndisease, dosage of insulin therapy and other baseline biochemical parameters. rnResults showed a remarkable clinical benefit in the vitamin A treated group with HbA1c levels ofrn6.7% versus 8.44% for the control group though it was not statistically significant(P = 0.165).rnFurthermore, the mean C-peptide level among the treated group was raised to 1.06ng/ml from arnbaseline level of 0.48ng/ml (a 55% increase in endogenous insulin secretion) indicating thernpotential therapeutic benefits of vitamin A supplementation in Type 1 diabetics and obviating thernneed for further research preferably using a bigger sample size and a well-designed clinicalrntrial. Besides, Vitamin A could protect or delay the onset of diabetes in high risk groups.

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Therapeutic Benefits Of Vitamin A For Type 1 Diabetics A Case Of Gondar  University Hospital Diabetic Center