Magnitude Of Sharp Biological Splash Exposure And Factors Associated Among Medical Laboratory Professionals In Public Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Biological splash exposure and sharp injury are the common occupational health -relatedrnproblems among healthcare workers.rnObjective: The present study aimed to assess the magnitude of sharp injury, biological splash exposurernand associated factors among medical laboratory professionals at public hospitals in Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia. rnMethods: Cross sectional study was conducted in 13 public hospitals found in Addis Ababa, from Aprilrn2020 to July 2020. Simple random sampling was used to select participants to respond for the developedrnstructured questionnaire, related with magnitude of biological splash exposure and sharp injury, andrnassociated risk factors. Data analysis was done by using SPSS version 20. The strength of associationrnbetween dependent and independent variables were computed using an odds ratio with a 95% confidencerninterval and p value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. rnResults: The study was conducted on 294 medical laboratory professionals. The magnitude of sharp injuryrnwas 191(65%) and biological splash exposure was 212(72.1%). Sharp injury was 2.97 times more likely tornhappen among Medical laboratory professionals who had service 5 years and less as compared to thosernwho had 6 years and above(AOR:2.97, 95% CI: 1.18-7.49); Working 40hour/week and below (AOR: 0.51,rn95%CI: 0.28-0.92) 0.51 times less likely to be vulnerable to sharp injury as compared to those who werernworking 40 hours and above 6 ; marital status where being single were 0.48 times less likely to have sharprninjury(AOR: 0.48, 95%CI: 0.26-0.90); absence of availability of adequate safety box were 1.95 times morernlikely to have sharp injury(AOR: 1.95, 95%CI: 1.03-3.69);moreover, attendance seminar or workshoprntraining decrease the risk of sharp injury significantly (AOR: 0.46, 95%CI: 0.24-0.88). On the other hand,rnbiological splash had significant association with: service year of 1-5years (AOR: 3.76, 95%CI: 1.3910.17);rnworkingrninrncomfortablernworkrnenvironmentrn(AOR:rn0.41,rn95%CI:rn0.20-0.85);rnandrnattendingrnseminarrnrnorrnworkshoprntrainingrn(AOR:rn0.37, 95%CI:rn0.18-0.75);rn0.51 timesrnlessrnlikelyrntornbiologicalrnsplash.rnrnConclusion:rnThernmagnitudernofrnsharprninjuryrnwasrn191(65%)rnandrnbiologicalrnsplashrnexposurernwasrn212(72.rnrn1%).Torndecreasernoccurrencernofrnthesernincidences,rnitrnisrnrecommendedrntornstrengthenedrntraining,rndisciplinerninrnrnfollowingrnrnsafety guideline, supplying an adequate safety box and replacing before it is full, properrnsupervision, avoiding workload are highly recommended.

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Magnitude Of Sharp Biological Splash Exposure And Factors Associated Among Medical Laboratory Professionals In Public Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia.