Isolation And Anti-microbial Susceptibility Testing Of Salmonella Species From Foods Of Cattle Source In Merkato Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Back ground: Infectious diseases are diseases that are transmitted mainly through foodand still remain a common and persistentpublic healthproblem resulting high morbidityand occasional mortality in both developed and developing countries. Foods obtainedfrom animals play an important role for food borne diseases particularly in developingcountries like Ethiopia. Food borne diseases arecaused by a variety of bacteria, viruses,parasites and fungi. Salmonellosis is one of those food borne diseases caused bySalmonella species which is becoming resistant to antimicrobials and causing seriousdiseases especially in developing countries because of consumption of raw foods such asmeat, milk and cheese.rnObjective: This study is aimed to determine the prevalence ofSalmonella speciesfromfoods of cattle source andperformtheir anti-microbial susceptibility tests.rnMaterials andMethods:A cross-sectional study was conductedover a period of 4monthsfrom November, 2011 to February, 2012 in Merkato, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Inthis study, a total of 384 samples from meat, milk and cheese werecollected randomlyfrom the Market and transferred to the laboratory following the ISO-6597, 2002procedure. In order to isolateSalmonella species, conventional culture method such aspre-enrichment, enrichmentandselective platingwereperformed. Then, to confirm theidentification of isolated coloniesasSalmonella Species, TSI, motilityandAPI 20Etestswereused. Finally, anti-microbial susceptibility testing following the standardprocedurewasperformed in order to know the pattern of drug resistant for each isolateand theresults were analyzed and interpreted by using SPSS 16.0, 2007computer Software.rnResults: Out of 384 food samples consisting of 128 meat, 128 milkand 128 cheesesamples, 13 (3.39%) were positive forSalmonella spp.Of the 128 meat, 128 milkand128 cheese samples, 9 (7.03%), 3(2.34%) and 1 (0.78%) yielded Salmonella spp.respectively.Assay of antimicrobial resistance revealed that 100% ofSalmonellaisolateswere resistant to one or more of the 10 antimicrobials tested. Generally,resistance for 9different antimicrobial drugs was recognized. However, all of the isolates were sensitiveto ciprofloxacin. The most common resistance was observed to amoxicillin(100%)followed by ampicillinand tetracycline (76.9%) and most ofSalmonella spp.isolates aremulti-drug resistance(84.6%).rnConclusions and Recommendations:The findings of the present study ascertain thatSalmonellaspp. is isolated in food samples ofcattle sourcesparticularly in retail meatsamples and all of them have developed resistance for routinely prescribed antimicrobialdrugs and this may be a considerable risk to the consumers. So,prudent antimicrobialusage, adequate heat treatment, improvement of standards of hygiene and developmentand enforcement of suitable legislation which safeguard consumers are urgentlyinstituted andmust be practiced to combat the ever increasing situation of antimicrobialresistance.

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Isolation And Anti-microbial Susceptibility Testing Of Salmonella Species From Foods Of Cattle Source In Merkato Addis Ababa Ethiopia.