Prevalence Of Erectile Dysfunction And Associated Factors In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Having Follow Up At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Endocrine Clinic Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Erectile dysfunction one of the earliest among the chronic complications ofrndiabetes mellitus is increasing. The worldwide prevalence varies from 35-90%. In Ethiopiarnthere were few studies done on prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes and thernresult varies from 48.7% to 85.5%. In Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Endocrine Clinic therernwas only one study which was done in 1998 which showed 48.7% of men with diabetes werernaffected by erectile dysfunction. Since the last 24 years a lot has been changed in terms ofrnsocioeconomic status, life expectancy and prevalence of chronic illnesses including thernproportion of type of diabetes, prevalence of other associated risk factors like smoking and waysrnof living. Hence, our study was conducted to seal this opening and assessed the up-to-daternprevalence and related factors of erectile dysfunction. rnObjectives: The goal of our study was to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction andrnassociated factors among diabetic men attending Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, Endocrinernclinic in the study period. rnMethods: An institution based cross-sectional quantitative study of data collected from Junern2021 to August 2021 from 269 men with diabetes mellitus who had a regular follow up atrnendocrine clinic, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital. Face to face interview method wasrnemployed using a preset questionnaire for data collection & by reviewing their electronicrnmedical records. The questionnaire included demographic information, lifestyle habits, medicalrnconditions, the IIEF-5 Questionnaire and acceptance and treatment seeking rate for ED. Data wasrnentered in to SPSS version 25. Median, mode & mean ±SD, minimum & maximum were used tornsummarize continuous variables. Categorical variables were summarized by frequency andrnpercentages. Associations were done by chi-square test for categorical variables and by usingrnONE WAY ANOVA for continuous outcome variables. Strength of the association wasrndetermined by binary & multinominal logistic regression using odds ratio with 95% confidencerninterval and P values less than 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. rnrnResult: In this study the mean age of respondents was 54.45 ± 13.19. Majority (78.8%) werernmarried & nearly half of them (43.5%) had attended college education or above. The meanrnduration of diabetes was 12.89 ± 8.98 years. Among a total of 269 respondents 243(90.3%) hadrnvarying degree of erectile dysfunction. Of those with ED 11.1% had mild, 44.9% mild tornmoderate, 23.5% moderate & 20.6% severe form of ED. Statistically significant association wasrnseen in longer duration of diabetes, diabetes related microvascular complications, being onrninsulin therapy, having comorbid illnesses & drugs other than for diabetes. Majority of the studyrnparticipants had never discussed about ED with their treating physicians (82.2%). rnConclusion: The prevalence of erectile dysfunction has almost doubled from the previouslyrnreported in 1998. This study revealed duration of diabetes, microvascular complications, insulinrntherapy with or without oral agents, comorbid conditions &drugs other than for diabetes werernassociated with ED having statistical significance. ED should be given attention & healthcarernproviders should be proactive in assessing the problem.

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Prevalence Of Erectile Dysfunction And Associated Factors In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Having Follow Up At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital  Endocrine Clinic Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Ethiopia.