Stigma Among Stroke Survivors In Ethiopia Experience From A Tertiary Hospital Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background:rnStigma among neurologic disease is a widely recognized global health issue. The negative rnimpact it has on different neurologic diseases has been described. Although stroke survivorsrnhave different degree of stigma which may contributes to negative outcomes, there isrnshortage of study on stigma among stroke survivors and its predictors, especially in low andrnmiddle income countries. rn rnStudy title:rn Stigma among stroke survivors: Experience from a tertiary hospital in Addis Ababa, EthiopiarnrnObjective:rn To assess the prevalence of stigma and its associated factors among stroke survivors havingrna follow up at the Neurologic Out-patient Clinic in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.rnrnMethods:rn Institution based quantitative cross sectional study was conducted among 123 stroke patientsrnhaving a follow up at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Neurology Out-patient Clinics.rnData were collected by interviewer administered questionnaire. Stigma was measured usingrnStigma scale for chronic illness (SSCI-8) tool and included self, family, and communityrnperceived stigma. Depression was assessed using Patient Health related Questionnairern(PHQ9), and functional status using modified Rankin Scale. Data were entered and analyzedrnusing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V25) software package. Binary logisticrnregression and multinomial logistic regression was used. Adjusted odds ratios with 95%rnconfidence interval were used to identify associated factors with perceived stigma. rnrnResults:rnOverall, the prevalence of perceived stigma was 55%. For the perceived family andrncommunity, it was 17.9%, and 13.8% respectively. Functional disability [moderate to severerndisability (AOR=6.88, CI: 2.257, 22.46) P=.001.], Depression (AOR=19, CI: 2.24,rn161.34)P=.007 and residual weakness (AOR=9.71, CI: 0.94, 94.95) P=.051were factorsrnassociated with perceived stigma in stroke patients. rnrnConclusion and recommendation: rnAround half of stroke survivors who participated in this study described some form ofrnperceived stigma. The personal perceived stigma was higher when compared to family orrncommunity perceived stigma. Factors associated with perceived stigma were Depression,rnresidual weakness post stroke, and moderate to severe disability functional status. Thernrehabilitation services for patients with stroke should be strengthened. These should includernphysical, emotional, and social aspect of disabilities. In addition, establishing patient supportrngroups for stroke survivors, and educating the community about stroke may be important tornaddress stigma.

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Stigma Among Stroke Survivors In Ethiopia Experience From A Tertiary Hospital Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.