Determinants Of Infertility Among Married Women Attending Infertility Clinics At Two Teaching Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Infertility is a global public health issue affecting approximately 8 to 12% ofrncouples worldwide, with 9% of the global average. In Ethiopia, according to the DHS data,rnthe prevalence of primary and secondary infertility in 2005 was 3.3% 4.6% respectively. Thernprevalence differs by place of residence, marital status, age of respondent, age at firstrnmarriage, and number of unions. The causes of infertility are various, including socioeconomicrnrnfactors, lifestyle, reproductive history, and childbearing status. In developingrnsocieties, childlessness is often highly stigmatized and leads to profound social suffering forrninfertile women; however, most infertile people in the developing world have virtually nornaccess to effective treatment. rnObjective: To identify the determinants of infertility among married women attending anrninfertility clinic at two teaching hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia rnMethods: An institution-based unmatched case-control study was conducted at two teachingrnhospitals, gynecology and obstetrics infertility clinics in Addis Ababa. A total of 234 womenrnwas included in the study. Study participants was selected using a systematic randomrnsampling technique for both cases and controls. Data was collected using a pre-testedrninterviewer-administered structured questionnaire by trained data collectors. The data wasrnchecked for completeness, cleaned, entered, and analyzed using SPSS version 24.0. rnResults: Approximately 52.6% (41 females) of the samples had secondary infertility, whilern47.4% had primary infertility (37 females). After logistic regression was made, therndeterminants of infertility identified were age of women (AOR=4.914; 95%CI: 2.3.60,rn10.230), menstrual regularity (AOR= 2.859; 95%CI: 1.338, 6.109), history of TB infectionrn(AOR = 8.518; 95%CI: 1.554, 46.702) and frequency of sexual intercourse (AOR= 5.304;rn95%CI: (2.046, 13.749) rnConclusion and recommendations: Secondary infertility accounts for 52.6% of the infertilernwomen, while primary infertility accounts for 47.4% of them. Age of women, menstrualrnregularity, History of TB infection and frequency of sexual intercourse were found to berndeterminants of female infertility.

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Determinants Of Infertility Among Married Women Attending Infertility Clinics At Two Teaching Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia