Nature And Prevalence Of Sexual Harassment Against Female Medical Interns A Study At Two Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020gc

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Background rnViolence against women is a deep-rooted problem in the world. For example, a report from thernNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) found that femalernmedical students were 220% more likely than non-science, technology, engineering, andrnmathematics (STEM) disciplines to face sexual harassment from faculty or staff. rn rnObjective rnTo determine the prevalence and nature of sexual harassment against female medical interns atrnTikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Saint Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College inrn2020 GC rnMethodology rnMixed concurrent nested qualitative and quantitative study conducted at Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Teaching Hospital and St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College, AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia from 1 June 2020 GC to 30 June, 2021Gc using the female medical interns asrntarget population and Semi-structured questionnaire for data collection after obtaining ethicalrnclearance and data analysis was done by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versionrn23.0 program. rn rnResultrnA total of 76 female medical interns were included in the study. The prevalence of sexual rnharassment was 96.05%. The most common nature of sexual harassment was a suggestiverncomment (61 out of 76 respondents), "inappropriate remarks" (59/76 respondents) and "requestrnfor dates" (59 out of 76 respondents), and "unwanted physical contact," accounting for 76.31%rnor 58 out of the 76 respondents. One female medical intern reported attempted rape from TASH,rnand the perpetrator was "other school staff." rnConclusion rnThere is a high prevalence rate of sexual harassment against female medical interns at TASH andrnSPHMMC, and experiences of harassment range from subtle comments and suggestive gesturesrnto overt behaviors and attempted rape rnPerpetrators are primarily institutional insiders (lecturers, supervisors, instructors), classmates,rnand other school staff; other students, patients, and patient attendants are also perpetrators rnSexual harassment awareness-creation trainings at the beginning of the academic year forrnmedical students and school staff. And briefing on how, to whom and where to report incidents isrnrecommended rnA large scale research in Ethiopian medical schools for better understanding of the problem isrnrecommended

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Nature And  Prevalence Of Sexual Harassment  Against Female Medical Interns A Study At Two Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020gc