Knowledge Attitudes And Practices Towards Cervical Cancer Screening Among Health Care Professionals In Addis Ababa City Administrationaddis Ababaethiopia 2021
Back-ground: Cervical cancer is the commonest gynecologic cancer in the developing world.rnOver the past several decades, the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased in industrializedrncountries. This is mainly attributed to increased awareness and more effective screening andrnprevention strategies employed in these countries. Although there are evidence-based,rnaffordable, fewer resources requiring, feasible interventions to carry out in low-level healthrnfacilities, and effective treatment modalities; the utilization of these screening methods is limitedrnin low-income countries like Ethiopia. Prevention of cervical cancer in low-resource settings canrnbe conducted by increasing the knowledge of cervical cancer screening and its practice byrnprimary health care professionals (1, 2)rn Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practice of cervical cancer screening amongrnhealth professionals working in Addis Ababa City Administration Health Facilitiesrn Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted from May 1, 2021- June 15, 2021, amongrnhealth professionals working in selected health Centers in Addis Ababa . A pre-tested, structuredrnquestionnaire and a checklist were used to collect data .The data was collected from 8 randomlyrnselected health centers involving health professionals. Data was analyzed using SPSS versionrn25. Binary and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to look for an association betweenrncervical cancer screening knowledge and socio-demographic variables.rn Result: In this study 36% of the participants had good knowledge on cervical cancerrnscreening, , Majority of participants 71(57%) had favoreable attitude towards cervical cancerrnscreening. Untrained, lost to follow up ,and difficulty of doing the screening procedure werernsome reasons not to do cervical cancer screening practice. Age ≥40 years (AOR=20.8,rn95%CI=3.6,118.9), male health provider(AOR=2.3, 95%CI=1.27, 4.22) ,working area,andrnhaving functioning Cervical Cancer screening(AOR=5.2, 95%CI=1.71,16.5) were the factorsrnassociated with better knowledge of cervical cancer screening. rnConclusion : The knowledge of the study participants on cervical cancer screening was low.rnEven those who had good knowledge on cervical cancer screening, has limited attitude and quite low practice at Work. There is a need to look into the cervical screening services and the healthrnprovides role in the Uptake of the service in Addis Ababa.