To Describe Health Related Quality Of Life And Its Predictive Factors On Cervical Cancer Patients In Two Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent malignancy in Ethiopia associatedrnwith high mortality and morbidity. Nonetheless, few efforts have been made to assess thernpatients’ HRQOL, and its predictive factors in Ethiopia. rnObjective: To describe Health Related Quality of Life, its predictive factors of cervical cancerrnpatients in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium MedicalrnCollege, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: An institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted in Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital and Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, from Feb to June,rn2021G.C. A total of 264 cervical cancer patients were interviewed using the Amharic version ofrnEuropean Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer module (EORTC QLQ-C30), andrncervical cancer module (EORTC QLQ-CX24) .The Amharic versions of both instruments werernpreviously validated .The data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and Microsoft Office Excelrn2010. ANOVA and stepwise binary and multivariable logistic regression were employed torndetermine mean difference and significant associations. rnResults: The mean Global quality of life (GQOL) was (mean± SD =42.57± 23.31) and with thernleast affected function being physical functioning (mean± SD =76.39± 23.24) and highest socialrnfunction (mean± SD =50.40± 32.19). For the symptom scales, the financial difficulty had thernhighest mean of (mean± SD =57.83 ±35.34) and with the exception of diarrhea (mean± SD=rn20.08± 29.87) and dyspnea (mean± SD= 22.89± 29.87), all the other items indicated moderaternto high symptoms. The EORTC QLQ-CX24 symptom scales the least affected score was onrnLymph adenoma (mean± SD =27.71±37.11) and highest affected score was for sexual worryrn(mean± SD= 51.81+32.197). As stage increases there was a statistically significant reduction inrnGQOL (p = 0.005) .Age, educational status and monthly income has association with GQOLrn.Being in the age group

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To Describe Health Related Quality Of Life And Its Predictive Factors On Cervical Cancer Patients In Two Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.