Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice And Associated Factors Of Obgyn Residents And Obstetricians Gynecologists In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (tash) And Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College (sphmmc)
Introduction: The demand for sexual and reproductive health services and education for womenrnover the globe has increased gradually. Studies show that, 99 % maternal deaths recorded inrnmiddle, low-income countries are die due to birth, and pregnancy related complications.rnAbortion is one of the leading causes of maternal death. Unsafe abortion accounts for at leastrn13% of global maternal mortality and 95% of unsafe abortions occur in developing countriesrnwhere abortion is restricted by laws.rnObjective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice, and associated factors towards safernabortion provision among residents, and Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital and Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College.rnMethod: Cross sectional survey used from March to June, 2021 and using proportional simplernrandom sampling with sample size of 174 (seniors n= 32 and residents, n=142) at Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital & Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College Obstetrics &rnGynecology residents who were attending their specialty programs and Gynecologists &rnObstetricians working in both hospitals. Data collected via self-administered questionnaires withrnclosed ended questions from study participants. Data entered and analyzed by SPSS Version 20.rnDescriptive frequency & analysis used for socio-demographic characteristics. Binary andrnmultivariable logistic regression analysis conducted to identify associated factors. P-value