The Role Of A Secretary In Effective Records Management A Case Of Mercedes – Benz Anammco Ltd Enugu

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          The aim of the research was to determine the role of a secretary in effective records management, with ANAMMCO as a case study.

          Related literature was reviewed to build a sound theoretical background from which this research became a step further. Four research question and hypothesis respectively were formulated. Based on these, a structured questionnaire was constructed and administered on a sampled population of 100 out of 320 administrative staff of the company.

          Linkert – type 4 point scale was used and a criterion mean of 2.50 and above (as positive), 2.49 and below (as negative) were established. Mean and standard deviation were used for analyzing research questions while t-test was used to test t eh corresponding hypotheses.

          Findings: There was poor exposure of secretaries and other cadres (support) staff to proper records management technique, including computer – related functions. Facilities like archive and microfilm were inadequate, and so, space availability and legal requirement were not being considered. All these factors affects the fundamental role of the secretary vis-à-vis others;. Provision of clear guidelines, adequate training programme (including on computer), as well as achieve and microfilm facilities, were recommended. Also secretaries should have access to departmental computer passwords while regular back-ups of tapes and disks should be taken, as important security.  





          Rational decisions constitute the hallmark of the success in business management and decision must be based on available facts or data.

          Pender (2000) affirmed that the importance of records or data is that, all rational or scientific decisions are based on these and must be properly and timely made available to the decision makers.

          The setting up and monitoring of appropriate records management systems frequently present problems for many organizations. Unobtrusive this problem may seem, thought, Mercedes-Benz ANAMCO may not be an exception. In the words of Osuala (1984), the term “records management” frequently has been used interchangeably with the word “filling”< but this is incorrect. Even the filing and its twin-sister indexing (the basic records management system tool) rarely rates among the most popular office tasks. It is usually seen as a job which everybody can handle with or without experience and training. This is not true. It needs a special skill.

          Harding (1988) maintained that whatever type of records management is undertaken within an organization, weather manual, electronic, or micrographic, sound procedures and methods will require to be devised and implemented if the system is to operate efficiently and effectively.

          This will involved and analysis of the current practice, with a view to establishing future trends or needs.

          Experience has proved that the secretary is usually saddled with the task of creating and maintaining appropriate records management system in various offices as port of his job description. Even where filing clerks exist, the secretary is still looked upon as the principal officer responsible for overall supervision, such that where a record cannot be traced, the question usually asked is where is the secretary?. Some secretaries have  reportedly been recalled from holidays or annual leave because certain information for timely decisions.

          However, records management transcends basic filing and indexing. Incidentally, it should be a shared concern and responsibly of all officer workers ranging from the clerical through the administration or middle – level managers  to the key strategic policy makers (top level management members). Each class of workers must contribute  in their own different levels. In any case, the secretary, by the nature of his job, is still seen as the champion and chief executor of the systems and procedures (being the closest officer to the chief executive and who handles incoming and outgoing correspondence). In an electronic office, it  is equally possible that most of the records must have been stored in disks and tapes under the custody of the secretary or his other assistants.

          Motivated by the need to discover the role of a secretary in the context of awareness / training, available resources, he part usually played by other staff and general techniques and procedures for effective records management, the researcher sets out to X-ray the issue and to proffer feasible solutions where necessary, with particular reference to Mercedes – Benz ANAMCO Ltd, a joint venture of German and Nigerian Government.

          ANAMMCO Ltd was established in the year 1980 for the manufacture and assembly of Mercedes Benz trucks and buses. It occupies a sprawling 300,000 square meter site at Emene industrial layout (near Enugu) and is veritably a shining example of a profitable and viable economic and technological cooperation between the government and people of Nigeria and Germany.

          It started official production in January 1981 and has to – date made an enviable mark on the nations industrial growth, adding over 28,000 vehicles to the nations transport sector. Part of its product – range include: MBO 1414, MBO 809, MBO 814, fire – fighting vehicles, Ambulances, mobile clinics and other specialized type of vehicles.

          The company employs over 800 staff apart from trainers and its annual intake of corps members; and industrial attaches. About 40% of the workforce are office workers while the rest are factory hands. The management structure is made up of 5 divisions (managing, personnel, controlling and finance, marketing and technical divisions) with sub-departments, groups and sections of course, these are preceded and overseen by the Board which is at the highest echelon of the structure. Each level of the management strata has a secretary who may still be assisted by clerks, sub-secretion, that is typist(s). There are altogether 50 secretaries in the various officers of the different divisions, departments, groups and sections.

          It has a network of distributions all over the country and maintains two liaison offices in Abuja and Lagos respectively. Recently, ANAMCO was proposed to be the centre for Mercedes-Benz in Africa. These show that the company is one of the frontline organizations in auto-industry, not only in Nigeria but also in the entire sub-saharan Africa.

          While there have been considerable advances in recent years due to the introduction of computers and other electronic devices (as is the case in ANAMCO), to replace the familiar 4 – drawer vertical cabinets (still present in many officers in Nigeria), the fundamental records management problems do not disappear with these introductions whether records are held on paper, film, tape or disk, the information still needs  to be organized, and managed well, if it is to be retrieved with ease. Even though ANAMMCO management represents one of the giant manufacturing and service out fits in Nigeria that have embraced office automation in Nigeria that have embraced offices are still literally swamped with paper and other forms of records. indeed, the volume of  paper generated, circulated and retained by even the so-called computerized offices is still alarming. This is partially due to the fact that there are still some conservative managers who are slow to adapt to the reality of modern electronic, paperless officers. Generally, however, it boils down to lack of effective records management system.

          The level of awareness and training of many officer staff, not just fresh graduates but also the “experienced” ones is still far from what should it be as far as appropriate records management technique is concerned.

          Some records are classified, requiring limited access, while others require permanent storage. Besides, time is of essence and scanty records can pose problems of inadequate data just like “over bloated” irrelevant records can make the office unmanageable. There is also need for safety and security. These facts remain true even in a computerized office system.

          The secretary who is supposed to be the champion may be scarcely knowledgeable (due mainly) to insufficient training, limited experience and lack of exposure to both traditional as well as modern electronic systems), thereby denying the organization that unique roe of ac ting on diplomatic and advisory capacity on such practical function.

          The result of all these where they exist would be finally translated into delayed or even denied access to vital information, loss of business opportunities due to prolonged lead time, weak competitive  positions, and ultimately huge economic loss. It is the intention to explore the views and experiences of others (staff of Mercedes-Benz ANAMMCO) On this serious  matter that gave rise to the choice of this topic for study.


1.2 Statement of the  problem

          The secretary in trying to play  his fundamental role in effective records management is usually confronted with the following problems which this research is out to address:

a)     The general poor level of awareness, training and adaptation to changes  in the area  of records management  in organizations.

b)     The problem of secretaries and  other staff understanding appreciating and applying their respective roles in managing records.

c)      Lack of adequate transitional and electronic equipment based  on present  and future needs to organizations.

d)     Lack of effective security of records including retention schedule and disposal technique.


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The Role Of A Secretary In Effective Records Management A Case Of Mercedes – Benz Anammco Ltd Enugu