The Effect Of Job Design On Secretarial Performance

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          Job design as suggested by Taylor is one of the most important components of scientific management. In its basic format, it assures that jobs should be simplified standardized and specialized for each components of the required work. In general organizations operations aisled this basic job design format by breaking each job down into very small but workable units standardizing the necessary procedures for performing the units, and teaching and motivating workers to perform their job under conditions of high efficiency.

          Therefore, the importance of designing jobs and systems of work in a manner that will satisfy both psychological and sociological needs of a secretary should be stressed. That is the effectiveness of a secretary’s job design, effort should consider both the work accomplishment efforts and the secretarial responses of the job.

          Empowers job design has the following effect misunderstanding between secretaries and their bosses, lowering status of the secretary etc.


Title page

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Table of content



1.1            Background of the study

1.2            Statement of problems

1.3            Purpose of the study

1.4            Scope of the study

1.5            Significance of the study

1.6            Research question.



2.1     Historical background

2.2            Factors affecting individual job design

2.3            Job enlargement

2.4            Job rotation

2.5            Job enrichment

2.6            Summary of literature review.



3.1     Research design

3.2            Area of study

3.3            Population of study

3.4            Instrument for data collection

3.5            Validation of research instrument

3.6            Reliability of the instrument

3.7            Method of data collection

3.8            Administration of research instrument

3.9            Method of data analysis.



4.1     Summary of result/findings



5.1            Discussion of results

5.2            Conclusions

5.3            Implication of results

5.4            Recommendation

5.5            Suggestion for further research

5.6            Limitation of the study.






          Business organization exist because they have goals to attain. It is through people that organizational goals are achieved. In fact people are the most important assets of any organization. Their performance determined the success or failure of an organization. It is the concern of management that workers carry out their task effectively.

          Therefore the human factor must be managed properly for positive impact on productivity by provision of a goal. Job design is the way job are structured, designed or tailored towards achievement of organizational goals. Organizations needs job designed that will enhance their performance and help them achieve their self-esteem.

          Job design is important to an organization because the way job are structured designed or coordinated has direct and significant impact on the performance of the organization. Job design concerns the content functions and relationships of jobs that are directed towards the accomplishment of organizational purpose and satisfaction of the personal needs of the individuals job holders.

          This also showed that a secretary needs a good job design that will help her to enhance her potentials as well as help in accomplishing organizational goals.

          Onasanya (1990) stated that the secretary is an important officer in any establishment. The contributions and effectiveness of a secretary can either enhance or diminish the efficiency of an organization. He also stated that the title secretary may either refer to a chief administrator of an organization or to a person who performs the functions of organizing and recording the proceedings of a meeting.

          The duties of a secretary could be likened to that of the executive because the secretary is aware of nearly every action of the executive, many organizations attach little or no importance to the qualities of a secretary not to talk of giving them a benefiting job design.

          Stanwell and show (1978) defined secretary as an staff who is concerning with the preparation, preservation and transmission of all types of communication as well as the conventional secretarial duties of confidential nature at various levels. Eni (1989) also defined the secretary as a member of clerical staff whose fundamental function are concerned with the preparation of correspondence or communication in all form with and outside the organization.

          From the above definitions, it can be seen that secretary is an indispensable management personnel in an organization and outside environment. Considering the job of a secretary in an organization they deserve a job design that is motivating.

          Durcker (1978) asserted that an organization needs the best performance a man is capable of and a man needs more than a job he can perform. He need a job that will provide the greatest scope of his abilities and talent the best opportunity for growth and for superior performance.

          The secretary position varies widely depending on the size of the organization the number of workers employed, the nature of the business as well as personal qualities. Today the secretary’s job has also been hanged due to computerization their job became more challenging than ever because of the current technological design. A research on job design will not be complete without making mention of motivation. Motivation is a way of stimulating people into action.

          Therefore, the redesigning of a secretary job will not only focus on the key job characteristics, dimensions of contents function and relationships, but also considering the important of individual differences in relation to job design consequences.

          Birdchall (1975) stated that an understanding of human motivation is essential to the job designer. The job which he creates may be technical depending upon the cooperation and involvement of the job holder. Therefore, he must be aware of the important role of work in a man’s life in order that he is better able to engineer a fit between human needs and technical requirement of the work. Work is an aspect of life which gives man his status and binds him to the society.

          Discontent may result from individual failure to find satisfaction in his job not meeting his psychological and social needs. The feeling that his contribution to the organization is not being adequately compensated rewarded or recognized by the organization.

          The high level of job specialization promoted by scientific management approach created a number of problems centering on the individual workers moral and behavior example low satisfaction, high absenteeism and low turnover were partially attributed to the boredom and monotony created by highly specialized routine nature of individual employee’s work.

          The introduction of an effective job design in the job of a secretary will show improvement in the secretarial job performance. These changes come through job content function, relationship and feedback of jobs.


          These are the problems which the researcher intended to find out the solution at the end of the study.

          Most secretaries cannot perform better due to the kind of job design structure given to them.

          Sometimes job design given to them create a feeling to them that their contribution are not adequately compensated, recognized or needed in the organization.

          They feel demoralized when they see their job as the one that have no definite sequence or procedure for doing it.

          Because they feel demoralized or humiliated by their broiling managers they feel they cannot satisfy their psychological and social needs

          These problems and so many others are what the researcher intend to find out the solution to in this study.

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The Effect Of Job Design On Secretarial Performance