Impact Of Motivation Of Workers In Some Selected Organization

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This study investigated the impact of motivation on the staff of Emenite Limited Enugu.

          The researcher collected data for this study based on the questionnaires administered to management and staff of the organization.  A simple percentage techniques were used in analyzing the data.

Some of the findings made were the availability of fringe benefits like retirement allowance, transport allowance, housing allowance etc and there however some of problems associated with the administration of these motivation tools.  This includes the problem of identifying an efficient personnel etc.

Based on the findings made some recommendation like identifying and recruitment of an experts in human resources management to take charge of the management and find good motivating factors for staff, workers involvement in the management activities so as to give them a sense of belonging etc. Were recommended by the researcher.



Title page

Approval page



Table of content

Chapter One


1.1             Background of the study

1.2             Statement of the problem

1.3             Purpose of the study

1.4             Significance of the study

1.5             Delimitation

1.6             Research question

Chapter Two

2.1     Introduction

2.2             Definition and Concept of motivation

2.3             The need theory of Maslow

2.4             Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs

2.5             Frederick Herxbergs two factor – motivation hygiene theory

2.6             David McClellands achievement theory

2.7             The classical theory of motivation

2.8             Arch patton model

2.9             J. Stacy Adam’s Equity theory

2.10        Motivational tools and techniques

2.11        Situational approach to motivation

2.12        Motivation and the Nigeria worker

2.13        Effects of motivation

2.14        Summary of literature review

Chapter Three

3.1     ResearchMethodology
3.2     Population and sample

3.3     Instrument

3.4     Validation of instrument

3.5     Collection of data

3.6     Method of analysis

Chapter Four

4.1             Presentation and analysis of data

Chapter Five

5.1             Summary of findings

5.2             Conclusion

5.3             Recommendations

5.4             Limitation of the study











Often, we ask ourselves this question: “What motivates people to do what they do? “By this we normally mean” “Why do people behave as they do? However, the answer we got points at motivation which is a term popularly used to refer to the cause or way of behaviour.  Because psychologist are aware that many aspects of behaviour are determined by motivation or learning.  They confided the concept of motivation to those factors which energize and give direction to behaviour.  Usually a motivated person will engage in an activity more vigorously and more efficiently than an unmotivated person.  Apart form activating a person or other organisms, motivation tends to direct or focus behaviour.  For instance, a thirsty person is always ready to look for water to drink.

Motivation is the act of making workers strive hard in order to achieve the overall objective of the organization and the employer does so in anticipation of attaining specific goals.  The word motivation is derived from the word motive, which is impulse or desire that moves one towards a goal.  A motive is an inner states that direct a person to seek to satisfy a felt need.

In this country (Nigeria) the positive instrument in the motivation of labour is money.  Some management think that by increasing the worker’s pay or wage packet, they have gone a long way to achieve industrial peace, harmony, low labour turnover, increased productivity, employees loyalty, commitment and dedication to duty.

The Nigerian workers does not only want increase in pay, he also wants to be recognized, enjoy the work he is doing, be proud of the work and also to be identified with it

In the time past, Nigerian workers might be satisfied with mere basic necessities of life and cared less about the future.  But in recent times, they have been exposed to the good things of life, and are willing to work hard to get them.
          Motivation could be channeled towards the wrong direction by management’s concentrations on good payment and allowances only.  This means that the motivation will be ineffective.  A good motivational factor could be in the form of provisions of transport facilities for workers who experience difficulty in getting to the work place, housing allowance, medical services etc these will help the workers and at the same time induce productivity.



In these days of harsh economic conditions many industries are finding it difficult to keep a float.  On the other hand others like Emenite, Anammco etc.  are growing from strength to strength.  Both the thriving and non-thriving industries are operating under the same environment.  Why then are some succeeding and others not succeeding?  This brings us to the central point of this research motivation.  What strategies are being adopted by the different companies in motivating their staff.  Is the success of a company dependent on the motivational strategies being used in the company? Could a company’s futures be improved by adopting a more forward looking motivational strategy.  These and many more are the questions which this research seeks to answer.


1.3            PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

The purpose of this study are:-

1.                 To identify some of the impact of motivation on the workers.

2.                 To identify some of the problems associated with motivation of workers

3.                 To identify some of the prospects of motivation on staff

4.                 To identify whether adequate motivation on the part of the workers has any effect on production.



This project if successfully completed shall help some of the selected organization in adopting the best motivational procedures that will enhance productivity; as well as boosting the morale of the workers.

Also it will help some other consumer – students, workers, manager etc. in their further studies of motivational structures and approaches.





1.5            DELIMIATION

For easy and accurate analysis of the research problems, the scope of the research projects will cover only Emenite Limited, Enugu.

          This is not only because of the time limit for carrying out this project but also because of financial constraints involved.


1.6            RESEARCH QUESTION

The following questions have been formulated as a guide for this study:

1.                 What are the impact of motivation on staff?

2.                 What are the problems associated with motivation on staff?

3.                 What are the prospects associated with motivation on staff?



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Impact Of Motivation Of Workers In Some Selected Organization