The Role Of Professional Secretaries In Commercial Bank In Enugu Urban And A Case Study Of Afribank Plc

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The research study investigated the role of secretaries in computerized offices, with particular reference to commercial banks in Enugu urban Afri-Bank  Plc Enugu was mainly used for the study

          The population consists of all the secretaries in Afri Bank Plc. They are 100 in number, a sample of 60was used for the study. From the analysis of the data collected. It was found out that the secretaries are special image-makers to any business organization and a study and to the chief executives












Title Page                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                                iii

Acknowledgement                                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                                   v

Table of content                                                                       vi

List of tables                                                                             ix


Chapter one

Introduction                                                                              1

1.1             Background of the study                                                 1

1.2             Statement of problem                                                      3

1.3             Purpose of the study                                                       5

1.4             Significance of the study                                                  6

1.5             Delimitation of the study                                                  6

1.6             Assumption of the study                                                  7

1.7             Research question                                                           7

1.8             Definition of terms                                                           8

1.9             Implication of the study                                                   9

Chapter Two

Review of related Literature                                                       10

2.1     Who is a secretary?                                                         11

2.2     Type of secretaries                                                          12

2.3     The history or the introduction of office equipment           14

2.4     The introduction of computer in office                             17

2.5     The need for computer literacy                                        22

Chapter three

3.1             Design of the study                                                         24

3.2             Area of study                                                                  24

3.3             Population of the study                                                    25

3.4             Sample and sampling technique                                        25

3.5             Instrument for data collection                                           25

3.6             Method of data distribution                                              26

3.7             Method of data analysis                                                   27

Chapter four

4.1             Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data               28

Chapter Five

Discussion of Findings, Summary, Conclusion                

and Recommendation                                                               40     

5.1             Discussion of findings                                                     40

5.2             Summary of findings                                                       43

5.3             Conclusions                                                                    45

5.4             Recommendations                                                                    46

5.5             Limitation of the study                                                     46

5.6             Areas of further research                                                 47

Appendix                                                                        48

          Questionnaire                                                                  49

References                                                                      54





Table I

1.       Table showing the respondents opinion on the use of computer

Table II

2.       Table showing the

Table III

3.       Table Showing the opinion of the respondent on computer

Table IV

4.       Table reflecting the respondent view on computers

Table V

5.       Table showing the respondents view on the benefits of using computer

Table VI

6.       Table showing the respondent view in computer literacy and chance of employment 

Table  VII

7.       Table showing whether secretaries use of computer in performing office duties

Table VIII

8                    Table expressing the importance of computer

Table IX

9.       Table showing the percentage of management on the secretaries output

Table X

10.     Table showing the respondents view on the factors to be considered before providing office equipment

Table XI

11.     Table reflecting the view of respondents in computer has reduced employment opinion for secretaries

 Table  XII

12.     Table showing the respondents view on whether computer increases secretaries productivity

Table XIII

13.     Table showing problems encountered by secretaries






The word secretary is derived from the Latin word “secretus” which literally means “keeper of secrets’. As far back as 1887, Lord Eshere word who defined a secretary as “ a mere servant” his position is that he has to do what he is told  and no person can assume he has any authority to represent anything at all. Thus the above definition was however made when the values of secretarial profession has yet been recognized. At this time, secretarial functions were limited to only typing with manual typewriter, writing with shorthand and filling of documents

As years pass by, the educated status of secretaries as enhanced and their responsibility in the organization became clearly defined. In 1982, Margaret Kuntz define secretary in a magazine  “Today’s Secretary” as an executive who possesses a mastery of office skill, demonstration the ability to assume responsibility and makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority 

Today secretary ship is a very vital and indispensable cancer needed for the smooth and efficient running of the day-to-day business of any organization. Their functions are limitless, not only do the secretary type, but they do that with the electric typewriter, computer and so many other sophisticated office equipment

A good secretary is a public relation officer and an administrative head. She is the image maker. In other words, the reflecting glass of the organization. Most executive secretaries handle only highly confidential matters while jobs of less confidential nature are passed down to her subordinates.

Moreover, even before the advent of computers, many speculations were made as regards the replacement of the secretaries by the computers since computer perform all office work at a very amazing speed, but this has been disproved because the secretary has to tell the computer what to do and when to do it.

Before the word computer is used when referring to a person who arithmetic procedures such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division is extraordinary

During that period man use pebbles, grains of corn, fingers and toes as well as smaller objects

The numerous problems encountered by man, what dealing with large number was, the necessity which gave to the invention of a computer. The Abacus was adopted and modified by the Chinese and the Japanese about 2600 B.C



The major problem of secretarial profession is that people see it as a profession that had no definite sequence, a procedure for the job

          They feel that the secretary is often interrupted by telephone call, visitors, colleagues, and subordinates and even the boss may call her to receive one assignment or the other that the effect on secretary efficiency  and productivity in the organization are cut down

          However, there has been a lot of speculation and inscription that the invention of computer in organization has posed a lot of problem to secretaries in all ramification and therefore seen as possible replacement  of secretaries in organization using it (computer) .

Secretaries in the part of the world is under rated. People see them as a profession by unintelligent people. The common occupied belief is that anybody who uses the typewriter takes dictation a secretary. Since the majority of the so called secretaries are typist with little or no secretarial education and training, the general belief is that the duties of a secretary do not go beyond taking dictation and typing correspondence, she is seen as having little or no contribution to make towards the attainment of organizational goals.

Presently, most offices are equipped with modern technological equipments. Many business organization which do not have the financial capacity to produce most of the equipments see themselves odd in the pool of modern organization. Making use of the new equipment maximally enhances the productivity and efficient of workers

It is expected that those machines and equipments should have special handling before they improve performance. What has not been known at the present is whether modern secretaries know how to operate these machines successfully, appreciated productivity.

It has also not been known weather secretaries play special role in Afri-bank Plc we use the office equipment and whether secretaries play any special roles in willing them

The research work therefore sought the role and the roles and the roles of professional secretaries in commercial banks in Enugu Urban


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The Role Of Professional Secretaries  In Commercial Bank In Enugu Urban And A Case Study Of  Afribank Plc