A Survey Of Economic In The Performance Of Secretaries

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This project is base on the Economic condition of secretary in an organization it also go long way explaining the problem of economic condition on the work of secretary. This project will also enlighten secretary management on how to relate with workers on order to achieve the organization objective of goal.














Title page                                                                                 i

Certification                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of content                                                               vi    


1.1      Introduction                                                            1

1.2      Background of the study                                          4

1.3      Statement of problems                                             5

1.4      The purpose of the study                                         6

1.5      Hypothesis Research Question                                        6

1.6      Significance of the study                                          7

1.7      The scope of the study                                             7

1.8      Definition of terms                                                   8


2.0      Review of Related Literature                                    9

2.1   Factors Affecting work Performance                                 9

2.2      Leadership style                                                       11

2.3      Effects of Leadership style on Employees performance 13

2.4      Motivation                                                               16

2.5      The motivation process                                            18

2.6      Employee productivity and satisfaction                   19

2.7      Summary of Related Literature                                        28


3.0      Research methodology                                             30

3.1.  Research Design                                                      30

3.2   Area of study                                                            31

3.3   Population of the study                                            31

3.4   Sample and sampling procedures                            32

3.5      Instrumentation of Data collection                          33

3.6   Validation of Research Instruments                         34

3.7   Reliability of Research Instruments                         34

3.8   Method of Administration of Research instruments34

3.9   Method of Data Analysis                                          35


4.1      Data Analysis, Results, Interpretation and discussions 36

4.2      General Description of Data                                     36

4.3      Test of Hypothesis                                                   44

4.4      Interpretation                                                          44


5.0   Discussion, implication and recommendation                 46

5.1      Discussion of findings                                             46

5.2      Conclusions                                                             47

5.3      Recommendations                                                   48

Questionnaire                                                          51

References                                                               56








As human beings grow, more numerous they have been subdivided to increase productive efficiency.  This process known as the division of labour has led to increasing specialization of the functions of an individual workers.

Organizations, be it public or private, large or small, are set up to achieve specific organizational goals and objectives. These goals and objectives include profit maximization of socio-economic well-being of members etc.

In recent years, the Nigerian government is showing increasing concern over the performance of her fully owned enterprises.  This current privatization and commercialization of governments owned cooperation is example of this concern for performance.

Secretaries as organizations members and agent through whom organizations achieve their objectives are very complex in nature.  Basely and Robinson (1964) states that the work of the secretary varies according to the kind of products or service being rendered by the firm in which he is employed.  This size of the organization, the position of the secretary’s employer in the organization, and his employer’s manner or method of wok.

One of the problems of secretaries is the hierarchical structure o the profession.  A secretary is ranked according to her level of education or grade.  In the working system in the Nigerian economy, there are many problems and difficulties encountered by all classes of workers and which in olden days were called stenographers, typist etc. are now designated secretarial, Assistants  I, II,  III and IV.

Problems ranging from the environment, public relations, accommodations, transport, the boss, salary and state governments are at presents raced with the problem of running result through efficient combination of resources at their disposal. These resources are man, machines, materials and money of these, man is regarded as the most important because he controls all other resources.  The failure of the enterprises .

Therefore, the problem of this study is to identify the working conditions of  the office environment of a professional secretary and to evaluate how  these affects  her productivity.

Robins (1978) opines that he management of human resources simply means “how to achieve bigger and better results through the efforts of people working in the organization”.  This  is basically concerned with the integration of personal aspiration of the employees or groups of employees within that organization.

Robins (1978) further asset that people participated in an organized enterprise and indeed in all kinds of groups in order to achieve some goal that they will necessarily work and contribute all they can to be sure that these goals are accomplished.  It has been observed that one needs the rights skills to accomplish and it follows therefore the employers will value any behaviour that is the actions people put into their jobs and the consequences of those actions.

What propels those actions?  What factors influence and affect a secretary’s work performance?  How should a secretary’s work performance be improved?  The answers to these questions are the focal points of this very study.



Economic is the physical condition of an office the office is organized and equipped with setting convinces that are useful to workers, in Annamco plc it is not know if the have such convient that secretary function could be performance largely it is not know if the working condition in Annamco is good for then and the are happy to work on in the environment, it is also not know if secretary are happy with working environment the are in hence this study determine the effect of economic principle in Annamco PLC Emene.


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A Survey Of Economic In The  Performance Of  Secretaries