A Survey Of Management Problems And It’s Effects In Selected Business Centers In Nsukka Local Government Area

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The candid objective of this study is to survey the management problems and its effects in selected business centers in Nsukka local government area. Nsukka as a geographical entry is full of men and women. People of integrity in trade. This economic approach with economic culture of our people therefore, requires the application of comparative law of requisite variety which states that an individual with the widest variety of response will usually control the environment and situation to their benefits. This study therefore, is taken as a contribution towards attaining the aspiration as it tries to explain the approach that will lead to the side tracking of those barriers to business centre in Nsukka. The research therefore made recommendation that government should provide an adequate capital to the prospective owners of business centre by setting up recognized schemes and commercial banks that grant assistance to them. And more also, one should have enough capital himself before venturing into such a business.


Title page

Approval page




List of table

Table of contents

Chapter One


1.1            Background of study

1.2            Statement of the study

1.3            Purpose of the study

1.4            Scope of the study

1.5            Significance of the study

1.6            Research questions

Chapter Two


2.1 Overview and development of business centres

2.2 Resource availability and industrial establishment


2.3 Virtues and benefits of business centres                                                         11

2.4 Management problems of business centers                                           14

2.5 Attempts at ameliorating business centers problem                             15

2.6 Summary of literature review                                                               18


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                                         20

3.1            Research design                                                                                20

3.2            Area of the study                                                                              21

3.3            Population of the study                                                                    22

3.4            Sample / sampling technique                                                            23

3.5            Instrument for data collection                                                           23

3.6            Validation of the instrument                                                                       23

3.7            Reliability of the instrument                                                                       24

3.8            Method of data collection                                                                           24

3.9            Method of data analysis                                                                    24

3.10       Decision rule                                                                                     24


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                                                41


4.1 Presentation and Analysis

4.2 Summary of findings

Chapter Five


5.1 Discussion of findings

5.2 Conclusions

5.3 Recommendations

5.4 Suggestions for further study

5.5 Limitations of the study


      Appendix A

      Appendix B


Population Distribution

Return rate of questioning

Table 1: Response to question 1

Table 2: Response to question 2

Table 3: Response to question 3

Table 4: Response to question 4

Table 5: Response to question 5

Table 6: Response to question 6

Table 7: Response to question 7

Table 8: Response to question 8

Table 9: Response to question 9

Table 10: Response to question 10

Table 11: Response to question 11

Table 12: Response to question 12

Table 13: Response to question 13

Table 14: Response to question 14








1.1     Background of study

Many advanced countries of the world that have attained or are attaining the peak of their industrial development and economic growth began with business centers. Technology has involved the functions of the office to rely on different types and has improved the standardized equipment. It has advanced varied stages and concept for effective communication within and outside the organization. It enable the host of the system, equipment and material essentially computer base to achieve the set goal of organization in relation to the functions of office such as obtaining, storing, processing and distribution of information. Business centers serve as centers of information. Such centers take in, process and relay data and messages in different situation such as financing, marketing, building manufacturing, serving or advancing so as to enable the different type of people to function in their jobs. Sometime ago, this set ups were neglected in our economic sectors, but in recent time, due to mass unemployment trend in our country, business centers have started to grow in all aspect of the economy.

Another aspect to consider is that business centers determine the industrial sectors in most countries in terms of number and employment. There simply can be no doubt whatsoever that the business centers constitute the real fabric of the nation’s economy. Government of most nations particularly in the developing countries have started recognizing this new shift with great enthusiasm as against their former policies of capital intensive.

It is the recognition of this position bearing of business centers in national development that the Nigeria government both state and local are now mounting series of programmes designed to sensitize and stimulate the people into appreciating the impact business centers could have on the national economy. Such programmes include the one run by the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) which was established in 1989. It is clear that it is mostly for national policy which encourages establishment of business centers through the enterprises which is fought by many problems. In realization of this category of business to our national economic growth, the study therefore, studies some of the peculiar factors hindering growth of industrialization in Nsukka local government of Enugu state in terms of business centers.


1.2 Statement of problems

Being a paid employee now in the country is a very risky business because of the state of Nigerian economy which is no stable. Business centers if motivated by government, federal, state and local at least will solve the problem of unemployment for the owner and create some employment opportunities for others. But to their dismay, the venture which they thought to be profitable one seem not to breakeven probably because of lack of administrative (management) acumen.

It can also be maintained that enthusiasm not withstanding, only very few individuals succeed in establishing their own business centers. This shows that the dynamic roles of business centers in our national economic progress motivation of entrepreneurs are not being realized. It is therefore, important to create serious awareness among the people with more emphasis on business centers as the best alternative trade.

Most importantly, there is need to find the possible factors militating against sectors developments, thus the need for research on this subject as this.


1.3 Purpose of the study

This research work is designed to find out the following:

a)     To find out the effect of management problems in selected business centers in Nsukka local government.

b)    To find out the effects of government policies on establishment of business centers.

c)     To identify the financial problems.

d)    To identify the problems of business centers.

e)     To evaluate the success of business centers in Nsukka local government area.

Another aim of this study is to identify the core problems that hinder people from establishing their own business centres in Nsukka Local government council of Enugu state. Also how the result of this will benefit the entire Enugu and more so, those who manage the business.


1.4 Scope of the Study

This research project on survey of management problems in selected business centres in Nsukka L.G.A will cover the problem of establishing business centres with particular reference to at least ten business centres in Nsukka and its satellite towns of Ihe Owere, Nru and Nguru.



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A Survey Of Management Problems And It’s Effects In Selected Business Centers In Nsukka Local Government Area