Spirituality Wellbeing And Associated Factors Among Cancer Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladdis Ababaethiopia2021.

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Background even though worldwide studies explored the spiritual and religious practicerncan help the effect patients fine-tune the effect of cancer, little is known aboutrnspirituality wellbeing in Ethiopia, therefore this study is important to assess thernspirituality and associated factor among cancer patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnObjective: To assess the spirituality wellbeing and associated factors among cancerrnpatients in Tikur Anebessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: Institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among cancer patientsrnattending Tikur Anebessa specialized hospital (TASH) with oncology units in AddisrnAbaba from January 8 to March 8, 2021. The total sample size was 385 participantsrnselected by the simple random sampling method. Data were entered into Epi-datarnversion 4.6.and exported to SPSS version 25.and were checked none response rate ofrn10%, the actual sample size for missing values. Data were cleaned. Descriptive statisticsrnsuch as frequency and percentages were done to describe and displayed in tables, graphs,rnand charts. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out to see the associationrnbetween independent and the out came variable. Significant factors were identified basedrnon R-square include in 95% confidence level at P-value less than 0.05. rnResult: 422 cancer patients were included in the study. Which gave response rate wasrn385 (91.3%), seventy six (19.74%) participants had good spirituality well-being,rn207(53.8%) participant were female, factor Sex of respondents (AOR=1.12rn(CI=108.3.07)religioneducation(AOR=2.01(95%CI=1.12,2.92),educationstatus(AOR=4.rn03 (93% CI= 1.73,9.35) and comorbidity (AOR=1.32 (95% CI=1.08,2.65) significantlyrnassociated with spirituality well-being of cancer patients with p-value less than 0.05. rnConclusion: In this study factor that was the sex of respondents, the educational statusrnof respondents, those respondents having comorbidity, and respondents having religiousrneducation were significant associated with spiritual wellbeing. rnRecommendation: to maintain spiritual wellbeing focuses on religious education andrnfocus on the prevention of chronic disease to tackle the comorbidity disease thatrnincreases the level of attitude cancer and improves their quality of life.

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Spirituality Wellbeing And Associated Factors Among Cancer Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladdis Ababaethiopia2021.