Role And Challenges Of Nurses In Caring Of Critically Ill Cancer Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Little is known and discussed about nurses’ role in the oncology ward and patients experience ofrnhaving critical cancer care. Furthermore, evidence-based practice is a challenge for all nursesrnand a distinctive challenge for critically ill cancer care nurses. This study aimed to explore thernrole and challenges experienced by nurses in caring of critically ill cancer patients for oncologyrnnurses at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital during their daily practice. A cross-sectionalrnqualitative descriptive study approach was conducted from February to April 2021 using a Semistructuredrnrnindividual face-to-face key informant interviews. Participants were selected byrnrandom sampling method from oncology nurses by work experiance in one of the biggestrngovernmental hospitals, Here in this study, the findings reveled that participants well-understandrnand know their varies role in caring of critically ill nurses, faces several challenges, have hadrnpositive relationship with patients, experienced work-related stress and have had also differentrncoping mechanisms. The most mentioned challenges participant raised are lack of drugs,rndropping out of treatments, staff shortage, lack of rehabilitation center, delay treatment, laternpresentation of patients with complication, lack of accessibility services for those who came fromrndistant places, poor management and administration system, unsafe working environment andrnlack of availability of medical equipment’. As participants faced work-related stress, anxiety andrndepression due to several factors, they have provided different stress coping mechanisms such asrnhaving refreshment, engaging in spiritual and religious activities, and talking with colleagues.rnMoreover, they suggested counseling and opening of psychology department, refreshment of onrnjob-site, training of every three-month or six months can resolve work-related stress. Availingrnmedical resources, designing stress coping mechanism, and improving the health carernmanagement of Tikur Anbessa Hospital able oncology nurses to accomplish their job more thanrntheir tasks. These study expanding further study cancer units reduce workload and improvernquality of continuum of care.

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Role  And  Challenges Of Nurses In Caring Of Critically Ill Cancer Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia