Psychometric Properties Of Amharic Version Of Becks Depression Inventory Ii Among Adult Cancer Patients In Tash2021

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Background: -Major depression disorder (MDD) or depression is a severe mental illnessrnthat relieved to be 8% among cancer patients. Even though the ambiguity of therndevelopment of depressive disorders among those patients continues, in Ethiopia,rndepression prevalence among cancer patients is 79.1%. Among the types of instrumentsrnto measure depression prevalence, BDI-II is the main and specific one. Even if there is arnlack of studies indicating its validity and reliability among general cancer patients, thisrngap could lead studies about the prevalence of depression among cancer patients morerncomplex and biased. rnThis study aims to examine the Psychometric properties of the BDI-II Amharic versionrnamong cancer patients. rnMethodology: -The study implied a cross-sectional study design, and a total of 342rnsample sizes were enrolled and data collected by interviewer-administered questionnaire.rnEFA was used to determine the factor structure used in the context of Ethiopia. PrincipalrnAxis Factoring with oblique rotation used to assess the BDI-II Amharic version's factorrnstructure among cancer patients. Cronbach's alpha(α) was determined to decide therninternal consistency of the tool and CFA was used to determine whether the model fit inrnthe Ethiopia.rn And correlation coefficient was used to determine construct validity of therntoolrnResult: - This study evaluated the psychometric properties and factor structure of BDI-IIrnamong cancer patients. Principal Axis Factoring with oblique rotation indicated thernpresence of three factors among those populations. The cognitive, somatic and affective rndomain explains 46.3% of the variance. The study also demonstrated that the Amharicrnversion BDI-II yields reliable and valid data among the population under study.rn rnConclusion: -This study concludes that Amharic version BDI-II can be used amongrncancer patients to measure depression and recommends researchers to use it.

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Psychometric Properties Of Amharic Version Of Becks Depression Inventory Ii Among Adult Cancer Patients In Tash2021