Validation Of Amharic Version Coping Health Inventory For Parents (chip- Am) Among Parents Of A Child With Cancer At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) was developed to measure parents'rncoping patterns in chronically ill care. It evaluates parents' understanding of their copingrnresponses when they have a severely and critically ill child to cope with family life. Effectivernparental coping mechanism during childhood cancer enables parents to avoidrnpsychopathological problems that could have adverse psychosocial effects on patient care andrninteractions with healthcare providers. CHIP has a 45-item tool designed to measure parents'rnresponse to family life management and was commonly used in pediatric chronic diseases. rnObjectives: To assess the Amharic version validity of coping health inventory for parents rnMethods: Institutional-based cross-sectional study design was applied to validity of copingrnhealth inventory for parents, Amharic version (CHIP Am) among parents of a child with Cancer.rnPurposive and consecutive sampling techniques ware used to recruit the participant. The toolrntranslated to Amharic by individuals' who are experts by translating English to Amharic andrncommented by mental health expert. Analyses done by using SPSS version 26.0. In addition,rnAMOS version 24 Descriptive statistics was used to report socio-demographic characteristics,rnmedical characteristics, and CHIP performance status. Data adequacy for EFA was assessed byrnKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sample adequacy was 0.75 and Bartlett's sphericity test was at (χ2rn= 2103.85, d.f =378, p < .001). Validity of the scale evaluated with EFA and CFA. For each ofrnthe factors, Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability and AVE values computed to determine therninternal consistency of the Amharic version of CHIP rnResult: The factor structure of the Amharic version CHIP-45 examined using principal axisrnfactoring with Varimax rotation to explore the factor structures. Twenty-five items removedrnfrom the original CHIP-45 items, and 20 items were loaded into five factors. The resultant fivern-factor model explained 65% of the variance in the Amharic version CHIP-20. Cronbach’s alpharnand composite reliability calculated to determine the internal consistency reliability of thernfactors in the Amharic version CHIP-20 and shows good internal consistency with Cronbach’srnalpha value of .70. EFA and AVE, indicates the convergent validity. CFA suggests thatrnmeasuring indices of the five-factor structure of CHIP-20 had an acceptable fit model.

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Validation Of Amharic Version Coping Health Inventory For Parents (chip- Am) Among  Parents Of A Child With Cancer At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.