Prevalence And Predictors Of Stress And Social Impact Among Parents With Neural Tube Defect Children Who Have Follow Up In Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

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Background- Neural Tube Defects are congenital anomalies of the brain, spinal cord and theirrnsurrounding structures. Parents face extreme stress at the diagnosis of NTDs since they arernchallenged with either the misery of a termination, stillbirth or the lifelong psychological, socialrnand financial challenges of caring for a child with NTDs.rnObjective-To determine prevalence and predictors of stress and social impact among parentsrnwith Neural tube defect children who have follow up in public hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopiarn2021. rnMethod- Institution based cross sectional study was implemented on 369 parents with neuralrntube defect children in three selected Addis Ababa public hospital by using purposive samplingrntechnique. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection on socio-demographicrncharacteristics and other independent variables, data on stress was collected by Parent StressrnIndex Short Form Likert scale and social impact data was collected using medical outcome studyrnsocial support survey Likert scale tool. Data was entered and coded with Epi data v4.6 andrncleaned and analyzed using SPSS 25. Level of significance was determined using p

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Prevalence And Predictors Of Stress And Social Impact Among Parents With Neural Tube Defect Children Who  Have Follow Up In Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021