Knowledge Of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

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Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the commonest cause of mortality worldwide,rnespecially in diabetes mellitus patients. Many risk factors contribute to the development ofrncardiovascular diseases. Adequate knowledge of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases isrnthe first step towards effective preventive strategies to combat the burden of cardiovascularrndisease. rnObjective: To assess knowledge of risk factors of cardiovascular disease and associatedrnfactors among diabetes mellitus patients in TASH, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 2020/21 rnMethod: Cross-sectional study was conducted on diabetes mellitus patients on follow uprnat Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital from April 11 to May 16. The study participants were rnselected using a consecutive sampling method. Data was collected using an interview methodrnand then, data was entered into Epidata (4.6) and analysed using SPSS (26). A score of lessrnthan 70% was defined as suboptimal knowledge. Multivariable logistic regression was usedrnto examine the relationship between knowledge of CVD risk factors and predictor variables. rnResult: A total of 404 patients were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 52.03±14.39rnyears and more than half 217(53.7%) of patients were females. Roughly half of thernparticipants 196(48.5%) had information about CVD risk factors. About half of patientsrn(52%) had good knowledge of CVD risk factors, whilst 48% demonstrated suboptimalrnknowledge. Based on multivariable logistic regression analysis higher education, urban rnresidence, being employed and hearing information about CVD risk factors associated withrnknowledge of CVD risk factors. rnConclusion: This study revealed that diabetes mellitus patients in TASH had suboptimal rnknowledge about CVD risk factors and inadequate education about risk factors of CVD andrnpoor counselling about the lifestyle they lead. In addition to this income level, age, maritalrnstatus and sex are not associated with knowledge of CVD risk factors, whereas, higherrneducation, being employed, urban residency and having information about CVD risk factorsrnare significantly associated.

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Knowledge Of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.