Trend And Determinants Of Treatment Outcome Of Severe Malaria Among Under-five Children Admitted In Karat Primary Hospital Konso Zone Southwest Ethiopia 2021 Retrospective Cross-sectional Study

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Background: Despite rigorous global and national efforts, malaria remains a significant rncause of morbidity and mortality among under-five children. It causes a serious healthrnand economic burden globally, in sub-Saharan countries including Ethiopia in particular.rnIn 2019, children alone contribute 67% of the global malaria mortality burden. Fewrnstudies were conducted to determine the trend, treatment outcome of severe malaria andrnits determinants among under-five children in Ethiopia. rnObjectives: The main aim of this study was to assess trend and determinants of treatmentrnoutcome of severe malaria among under-five children in karat primary hospital, konsornzone, Southwest Ethiopia, 2021.rnMethods: An institution based retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted.rnConsecutive sampling was applied for the trend analysis of five-year malaria incidencernfrom Feb 08-Mar 08 2021. 254 charts were selected by systematic random samplingrntechnique from June10-30,2021. Data was collected by trained data collectors using arnpre-tested checklist. The collected data was cleaned and entered using Epi-data 4.6 andrnanalyzed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the studyrnvariables. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regressions was used to determine thernassociation between determinants and outcome variable. Odds ratio with 95% CI wasrnused to show the direction and strength of association. P-value

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Trend And Determinants Of Treatment Outcome Of Severe Malaria Among Under-five Children Admitted In Karat Primary Hospital Konso Zone Southwest Ethiopia 2021 Retrospective Cross-sectional Study