Lived Experience Of Adolescents Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Ethiopia A Phenomenological Study

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Background: Ethiopia has a considerable number of adolescents who acquired HIV throughrnvertical and horizontal transmission. An adolescence living with HIV has various concerns andrntheir life is surrounded by embarrassment, dilemma, loneliness, defamation, rejection and fearrnof their status known by others. However the life experience of adolescents living with HIV isrnnot well explored. The present pace of research concerning to adolescents with HIVrnexperience is still not enough comparing with the needs of adolescents living with HIV.rnTherefore, this study was conducted to explore the lived experience of adolescents living withrnHIV. Methods: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted from Februarys 8-rnmarch 8 2021 at Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia among 18 studyrnparticipants who were from 10-19 years who had acquired HIV horizontal or verticalrntransmission. They were chosen by purposive sampling technique. A semi-structured openrnended interview guide was used for collecting data. The interview was audio recorded,rntranscribed and translated to English by the principal investigator. The translated data wasrnimported to Atlas Ti 8 software for coding and categorization. To assure trustworthiness thernprinciples which are basic were applied. Finally results were summarized using thematic rnanalysis. Result: The participants in this study expressed living with HIV have severalrnchallenges. Feelings of loneliness, being sad and angry were reported. After disclosure rnbenefits were gotten that helped to increase adherence of drug and they understood about theirrndisease. The adolescents don’t tell their status to others because of fear of stigmatization. Mostrnof the participants perceived a positive spouse for the future so that to understand and helprnwith each other. They would like it if there is no stigmatization among the society and wantedrnmore advanced medication. Majority of participants have bright future about their life andrnsome wants to have their own family in the future. Conclusion and recommendations: Inrnthis study it is revealed adolescents who are living with HIV have numerous challenges andrnconcerns. Therefore multiple interventions at individual, community and organizational levelsrnare suggested to support and satisfy the health requirements of the adolescents.

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Lived Experience Of Adolescents Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Ethiopia A Phenomenological Study