Prevalence And Determinants Of Stunting And Wasting Among Under-five Children At Hargeisa Health Facilitieshargeisa Somaliland 2021cross-sectional Study.

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Background: Children are most vulnerable to stunting and wasting in under developingrncountries since insufficient dietary intakes, lack of in accurate care, and biased distribution ofrnnourishment inside the family. Stunting and wasting are the most causes of morbidity andrnmortality among children all throughout the world. Stunting and wasting in HargeisarnSomaliland were distinguished as 30.1% and 20.1% separately in children below five years. rnObjectives: To identify the prevalence and determinants of stunting and wasting among underrnfive children at Hargeisa Somaliland, 2021. rnMethods: Institutional based cross-sectional study design including 403 study participantsrnchosen by purposive sampling method was done at Hargeisa Somaliland from January to Junern2021. Data Information were collected utilized structured questionnaire from childparents/caregiverrnrnby face-to-face interview method used Kobo Collect tool. Anthropometricrninformation is changed over into records of dietary status of Emergency Nutrition Assessmentrn(ENA) software 2012, and SPSS version 25 were used for data analysis. Multivariable logisticrnregression models were fitted to identify determinants of stunting and wasting. rnResult: Total of 403 respondents were investigated in the study with a response rate of 100%.rnPrevalence of stunting was 30.1% and prevalence of wasting was 20.1%. rnAge of child (AOR= 0.061; (95%CI: 0.004-0.891, P=0.041), child’s father educational statusrn(AOR=2.390; (95%CI: 1.146-4.984, P=0.020) and give child above 6 months meat, fruits,rnvegetables and porridge (AOR= 2.271; (95%CI: 1.137-4.540, P=0.020) were statistically to bernsignificant associated with stunting. rnUnder five live in the household (AOR= 0.565; (95%CI: 0.288-1.107, P=0.000) and caringrnchildren less than 2 years on lab when feeding (AOR= 3.564; (95%CI: 2.119-5.992, P=0.000)rnwere statistically significant associated with wasting.rnConclusions: In Hargeisa the prevalence of stunting and wasting were high in the studiedrnhealth facilities and cooperated with the relation of many independent variables which needsrnaccurate determinant factor specific assessment.

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Prevalence And Determinants Of Stunting And Wasting Among Under-five Children At Hargeisa Health Facilitieshargeisa Somaliland 2021cross-sectional Study.