Survival Status And Predictors Of Mortality Among Neonates Admitted To Neonatal Intensive Care Unit In Dessie Referral Hospital Northeast Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: The first 28-days of life, particularly the day of birth, are the most challengingrnand vulnerable time for a child’s survival and health. Neonatal deaths as a share of under-fiverndeaths decreased more slowly than mortality among children aged 1–59 months and accountedrnfor 47 percent of all under-five deaths. Moreover, Ethiopia is still on the 4rn rank ofrnglobal and sub-Saharan Africa neonatal mortality rate, respectively, which indicates neonatalrndeath is a critical problem which needs farther studying of the underline predictors. Even though,rnsome studies were conducted on predictors and determinants of neonatal mortality in Ethiopia,rnlittle is known about the time to neonatal death and its predictors. Therefore, this study aimedrnto assess the survival status and predictors of mortality among neonates admitted to NICU inrnDessie Referral Hospital. Objectives: To determine the survival status and predictors ofrnmortality among neonates admitted to NICU from 01/01/2018-31/12/2020 in Dessie ReferralrnHospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2021. Methods: An institution-based retrospective cohort studyrnwas used among 542 neonates admitted from 2018-2020 in NICU of Dessie Referral Hospital,rnNortheast Ethiopia. Medical record numbers were obtained from patient register logbooks. Thenrndata was collected from patient cards by using a systematic sampling method with pretestedrnchecklist. Data was entered using Epi-data 4.6 and analyzed using STATA 16. Kaplan Meierrnwas used to estimating median survival time and cumulative probability of survival, and the logrankrntestrnwasrnusedrntorncomparernsurvivalrncurves.rnThernCoxrnproportionalrnhazardrnregressionrnrnmodelrnwas used to analyze the relationship between independent and outcome variables. Results: Outrnof 542 eligible participant neonates, 104 (19.19%) died with an overall incidence rate of 35.54rn(95%CI: 29.33, 40.08) deaths/1000 neonate-days observations. The overall median survivalrntime was 14 days, with an overall cumulative survival probability of 36.10%. Low birth weightrn(AHR: 3.03, 95%CI: 1.53, 6.00), prolonged labor (AHR: 3.32, 95%CI: 1.46,7.53), primiparousrnmother (AHR: 2.23, 95%CI: 1.44, 3.45), preeclampsia (AHR: 2.17, 95%CI: 1.10, 4.25),rnDiabetic mother (AHR: 3.74, 95%CI: 1.57, 8.90), PNA (AHR: 2.61, 95%CI: 1.11, 6.13), andrnneonatal anemia (AHR: 9.14, 95%CI: 3.33, 25.08) were independent predictors of death. rnConclusion: The incidence of death was 35.54 per 1000 neonate-day and LBW, primipararnmother, prolonged labor, preeclampsia, maternal DM, PNA, neonatal anemia were identified asrnindependent predictors of time to death of neonates. Keywords: Neonate, Survival Status,rnNeonatal Mortality, Predictors, Time to Death

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Survival Status And Predictors Of Mortality Among Neonates Admitted To Neonatal Intensive Care Unit In Dessie Referral Hospital Northeast Ethiopia 2021.