Background -Esophageal atresia is a developmental defect of the upper gastrointestinal tract inrnwhich the continuity between the upper and lower esophagus is lost. In sub-Saharan Africarnesophageal atresia has a higher mortality rate ranging from 30- 80%. In Ethiopia, the mortality rnof neonates with esophageal atresia is reported as 85.3%. To decrease the mortality rate,rnassessing time to death and predicors of esophageal atresia is crucial.rnObjective -The objective of this study was to assess time to death and predictors amongrnneonates with esophageal atresia admitted to Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital.rnMethodology -An institutional-based retrospective follow-up study was conducted among 248rnneonates diagnosed with esophageal atresia. Data was collected from February 10 to March 10rn/2021 by reviewing medical charts of neonates diagnosed with OA who were registered fromrnMarch 1/2011- February 30/2021 in TASH. A data extraction format was developed by rnreviewing different literature. Time to death was estimated by using the Kaplan-Meier failurerncurve and the time to death between different categorical variables was compared using the logrankrntest.rnrnBivariaternandrnmultivariablerncoxrnregressionrnhazardsrnmodelsrnwerernfittedrntornidentifyrnthernrnpredictorsrnofrntimerntorndeath.rnHazardrnratiornwithrnarn95%rnconfidencernintervalrnwasrncalculatedrnandrnpvaluesrn