Nutritional Status And Associated Factors Among Children With Congenital Heart Disease In Selected Governmental Hospitals And Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.

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Background:Children with congenital heart disease are at risk for poor growth and undernutritionrncomparedrnwithrnhealthyrnchildren.Inadequaternenergyrnrnintake, high energy requirementrnor both ofthese reasonsare thought to be the reason for malnourishment of children withrncongenital heart disease.Objectives:This studyaimedtoassess the nutritional status ofrnchildren with congenital heart disease and associated factors in selected governmentalrnhospitalsandcardiac center Addis Ababa,Ethiopia 2021Method:Institutional based crossrnsectional studywasconducted fromFeb. to Mar.2021among395Childrenunder15yearsoldrnagediagnosed with CHD.Data wascollectedwithstructured questionnaireand chart review.rnAnthropometric measurementwasmeasured and medical history of the child wastaken fromrnpatient medical card.Datawascoded and entered to EPI data version 4.6andWHO AnthrornPlus version 1.0.4 toolandexported toSPSS version 25 foranalyses.Multivariable regressionmodel was developed after p value of

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Nutritional Status And Associated Factors Among Children With Congenital Heart Disease In Selected Governmental Hospitals And Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.