Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Suicidal Behaviour Among Postpartum Mother Attending At Public Health Centre Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.

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Background- Suicidal behaviors are one of the most common global burden of disease amongrnwomen, with the exception of this in middle and low income countries few is studied about thernfrequency and associated factors. Suicidal behavior increase during the first year after deliveryrnvarying from 4% to 17.6% with three fold cause of maternal death in low-in- comerncountries.Correspondingly in Ethiopia suicidal behavior found to be high 14% amongrnpostpartum mothers. Suicidal behavior involves the deliberate attempt to take one’s own life.rnObjective - To assessprevalence and associated factorsof suicidal behavior among postpartumrnmothers attending at public health centers of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021.rnMethodology-A facility -based cross sectional study was conducted. The total sample size rnwas 615.The study was conducted in ten randomly selected public health centers of Addis rnAbaba. After data collection, filled data were enter in statistical software Epi data 4.6 and werernsubjected to cleaning using simple frequency and tabulation to ensure its validity. Then, thernanalysis was done SPSS version 25 statistical software using a CI of 95%. To indicate thernstrength and statistical significance of the association of the selected independent andrndependent variables, odds ratio,95% CI and p-value < 0.05were used. rnResults: The prevalence ofsuicidal behavioramong postnatal mothers attending at publicrnhealth centers in Addis Ababa was 41.46%. Being mothers literate were (AOR=0.64, 95% CI:rn0.42-0.97), verbal abuses were (AOR=2.18, 95% CI: 1.38-3.44), history of rape (AOR=3.03,rn95% CI 1.14 -8.05),history of depression (AOR=4.12, 95% CI 1.21-14.03), women’s havingrnsexually unfaithful husband were (AOR=0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.81) and khat chewing werern(AOR=8.48, 95% CI 2.52-28.50) were significantly associated with suicidal behavior.rnConclusion and recommendation: Suicidal behavior was found to be the common mentalrnhealth problem among postpartum women and was associated with educational status,verbalrnabuses, history of rape, history of depression, women’s having sexually unfaithful husbandrnand khat chewing. Also recommend early diagnosis and intervention with possible screeningrnof mothers for suicidal behavior during routine antenatal and postnatal care.

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Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Suicidal Behaviour Among Postpartum Mother Attending At Public Health Centre Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.