Parental Knowledge Attitude And Practice About Their Children Attending Medical Care At Tash Regarding Covid-19 Infection Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Covid-19 is one of the global public health crises. Resource limitedrncountries like Ethiopia are at risk of being severely affected by the pandemic. Childrenrnof all ages can be affected by the virus and are one of the burdens of Covid-19rnpandemic. As children accounts for majority of the population in Ethiopia, earlyrndiagnosis and management of the disease is crucial to curb the spread of the disease.rnParents have a significant role in children’s health. Hence the aim of this study is tornassess parents’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards Covid-19 in children.rnMethodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at TASH located in Addis Ababa,rnthe capital city of Ethiopia from June to August 2021 G.C. Parents whose children werernadmitted at TASH and parents who came to pediatric regular OPD and referral clinicsrnwere used as a study population. An interview based questionnaire was used to gatherrninformation from study participants. Data was entered using SPSS version 25 to bernanalyzed based on the objectives of the study. A descriptive analysis was performed.rnInferential statistics were investigated using a chi-square test. P value less than 0.05rnwas considered as statistically significant.rnResult: A total of 385 parents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Thernfinding of this study reveal that majority of the participants (68.6%) have moderaternknowledge whereas 17.7% of participants have poor knowledge. Regarding attitude andrnpractice of parents, 68.3% of participants have good attitude and 51.7% of participantsrnhave moderate practice. There was a moderate positive correlation between knowledgernscore and attitude score (r=0.56, p

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Parental Knowledge Attitude And Practice About Their Children Attending Medical Care At Tash Regarding Covid-19 Infection Addis Ababa Ethiopia