Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Pediatric Residents Towards Child Abuse In Three Selected Hospitals In Addis Abba Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: - Child abuse is not only physical abuse, but it can be in the form of emotionalrnabuse involving humiliating a child, coercive, constant belittling, shaming, frequent yelling,rnthreatening, or bullying of the child, making negative comparisons to others, rejecting andrnignoring the child as punishment, having limited physical contact with the child (no signs ofrnaffection), or any other demeaning acts. Obtaining a detailed history and judging parent childrninteraction are important tools of identification. Lack of clinicians’ knowledge or clinicalrnexperience more often results in misdiagnosis and under reporting of the cases of abuse. Thisrnstudy is being carried out to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of child abuse and itsrnmanagement among pediatric residents. rnObjective: -Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of pediatric residents towards childrnabuse in three selected hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. rnMethod: - Institutional based Cross-sectional study design was employed with facility basedrnself-administer question among pediatrics residents with sample size of 135.Data were checked,rncleaned and entered in to SPSS version 25.0 software for analysis. The magnitude and thernassociation between the different independent variables in relation to dependent was measuredrnand 95% confidence interval (CI) and P values below 0.05 were considered statisticallyrnsignificant. rnResult: -The knowledge attitude and practice of pediatric and child health resident on childrnabuse were significantly low (50%, 56% and 43%) respectively. The determinant of knowledgernwas participant having formal teaching, learning or training session on child abuse attitudernregarding to the topic and the determinant of attitude were married status and knowledge and the determinants of participants practice were years resident and experienced on child abuserntreatment/ management. rnRecommendation: -the recommendation goes to : for the study participant, better to seernconcentrated about child abuse issues to solve and alleviate the problem as you are a groundrnback bone. For the institution/ department: - better to put standard protocol of knowledgernmeasurement of pediatric resident regarding to child abuse, due to the fact of the issuerncommunity problem. For research: - better to assess by mixed study as a national level.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Pediatric Residents Towards Child Abuse In Three Selected Hospitals In Addis Abba Ethiopia 2021.